Become the CEO of Your Business

On this 218th episode of my MMPT, we will start the sequence of building on the Take Flight content that I put out in digital course format in 2023. I've stated over and over that all success starts with the proper mindset, and in 2024, I want each of you to start thinking like a successful CEO. 2024 is the year you become the CEO of your business. A CEO's primary responsibilities are company strategy, financial oversight, and managing the execution of company initiatives. Key words: strategy and execution.

As we wrapped up Take Flight V4.0 on our last call in December, I mentioned that I have been inspired by "The 12 Week Year" by Brian Moran and the EOS (Entrepreneurial Operation System) based on the book called "Traction" written by Gino Wickman. Giving yourself 4 deadlines a year is so much more effective than focusing on annualized, year-long goals. Chunking things down using a "periodization" strategy is really the key to goal attainment. As we move officially into 2024, I want to take you through a process today that will help you identify where exactly your real estate brokerage business stands today and how to move it forward each day. A successful CEO would do the following or something similar:

  1. Step outside of your business and accurately rate that current business using the Take Flight Progress Tracker. There are 5 Sections of Take Flight, 26 subcategories and 5 levels to rate yourself. N/A is not applicable, Stuck, In Process, Proficient and 30,000 feet. (listen to this episode on the podcast for further description)
  2. Set/Review 3 Year Vision/Goal - Review Episodes #184 and #185 from Take Flight V4.0 if you need a refresher.
  3. Create/Review/Add Projects for 2024 - this is where you will review how you rated yourself on the Take Flight Progress Tracker and do a "brain dump" on all of the projects you need to complete in 2024 to improve your business.
  4. Rank Projects and Identify Priorities - after you do your "brain dump,” identify those projects that are the most important and prioritize them to the current quarter. Start in the areas of "Vision/Mindset,” "Habits and Routines" and "Database and Relationship Management.” Those 3 areas are foundational to your success.
  5. Move Highest Priorities to Quarterly Initiatives - evaluate your current work load for the immediate quarter and move the highest priority projects into that quarter.
  6. Execute on a Daily and Weekly Basis to Hit Quarterly Initiatives - execute, track, repeat daily and weekly. Check out the Take Flight section for tracking resources.
  7. Repeat the process during the final week of each quarter to plan the next quarter.

Earlier in the call, I brought up 2 keys words in a CEO's job description: strategy and execution. Creating the strategy piece is much easier than the execution piece for most people. What separates a really good CEO from a failed CEO is the daily execution and consistent drum beat of "inspecting what you expect" out of yourself. The simple 7 step process I outlined today is your key to stabilizing and growing your business in 2024. This is the exact process I use and have been using for the last 2 years which have been my most productive years for me personally. If there was ever a year to get serious about executing on your business, 2024 is it. The separation between winning and losing in this industry is accelerating quickly. Do you have a plan for 2024? If so, are you committed to executing on it?

Join me each week in 2024 as I will be bringing you the ideas, the skills you'll need, the scripts to use and the hard-hitting truths to get you to the next level. If you are not getting my weekly email, send me an email to [email protected] to get on my email list or you can go to my Instagram profile at @askjimmiller to register. I would recommend that you save these emails in a folder to refer back to as the year unfolds.

Happy New Year! May 2024 be your best year yet.