Top Systems, Tricks, and Habits

Laura Peery, Julie Halter, and Madison Collum have varying longevity in the real estate industry and serve different geographical markets, but they share a common understanding of the systems and habits that have built their success and a commitment to working those best practices constantly.

One of their biggest insights for new agents is to simply ‘do.’ While ‘perfection paralysis’ is a natural detour when you are green, the only way to overcome the intimidation of being new is to ‘do.’ Each of these pros has cultivated valuable relationships within the Sotheby’s brand, strengthening their own credibility through a network of unrivaled expertise while actively learning from established peers.

Whether you are new to the business or hitting a plateau, consistency is key. Start with relentless effort and never let it falter, even if the market dips or clients bow out. Success isn’t instantaneous. It’s the reward for steady effort and steady attitude.

Your mindset can either be debilitating or empowering. It’s your choice. Create daily habits that inspire positive thinking and thoughtful practices. Commit to meditation that calms and organizes your thoughts and enhances your productivity. Your business and your personal life will benefit from greater focus and fewer excuses.

Laura, Julie, and Madison have each reached an admirable level of performance, but that doesn’t mean they wouldn’t do a few things differently if they were starting over today. Leveraging the Sotheby’s brand and the resources available through SIR and business peers is one thing they’d all embrace earlier. Establishing a personal brand by putting effort into marketing through social media is another. While it shouldn’t be your only effort, differentiating yourself online through quality content is a low-cost, high-impact way to build a reputation and attract clients.

Success and effort are partners. With productive systems and positive habits, you will thrive in the real estate industry.