Making the Most of a Unique Niche

One of the panels from my recent summit is a great complement to this week's Summer Success Tip on building your business through a niche. If you're wondering how some of the most successful Sotheby's agents leverage niche marketing, you'll enjoy watching Jeff Wilson, Friley Saucier, and Ashley Shaw describe how they infuse personal passion into their professional outreach.

For Jeff, hospitality and entertainment are personal past times that have paid significant dividends. He's found that there's great power in extending invitations to his own home and in personalizing experiences for his clients. A warm invitation and a sense of inclusion are immediately memorable and build loyalty that can't be bought. Likewise, Friley prioritizes building trusted relationships through which she can ensure the highest level of service for her clients. Ashley's passion for the place where she lives is invaluable in serving clients' needs. Not only does she 'know' the neighborhood, she can speak sincerely about what makes it special and give clients a personal idea of what it's like to be at home there.

People gravitate to authenticity. They can tell when you are vested in what you're sharing. Enjoy the panel and take a few cues on turning your passion into a business asset.