Stephen Covey: Big Rocks

Steven Covey, author of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, uses the 'big rocks' analogy to explain how to achieve what you out of your business and your life. If you flood your life with little things and constant distractions, it's impossible to fit the big things in on

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The Checklist Manifesto

Exceptional solutions aren't always exceptionally complicated.
In this latest book by surgeon and New York Times bestselling author Atul Gawande, the power of the simple checklist is clear. With examples of reducing infection risk and saving lives, Gawande illustrates that checklists enable efficiency, precision, and improvement. This engaging book uses

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Explore Microsoft Outlook

Even if you're a longtime user of Microsoft Outlook, you may be overlooking some of its tools for keeping your communications on track. Beyond the inbox, Outlook can help you organize contacts and tasks so that you're on top of key events like client anniversaries, birthdays, and special occasions. It's

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The Go Giver

This book belongs on your go-to list, whether you’ve never read it or read it a hundred times. The simple parable is quick to read and it’s a highly motivating reminder of how easy it can be to change your results when you change your mindset. The story told by

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Sell It Like Serhant

Ryan Serhant is a BIG name in real estate and entertainment, but he started at ground level in one of the most difficult times to enter the industry. When Serhant started in the real estate business in 2008, he was not an experienced salesperson or professional. His worldwide success has

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The Take Flight Customer Service Plan

Do you have a plan for delivering your value or do you reach out to your clients haphazardly when it occurs to you? Maintaining relationships requires maintaining contact, and doing that well requires a plan. My customer service plan, downloadable here, is tailored to the outreach goals that we discuss

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Dunbar’s Number

Dunbar's Number is the number of people you can maintain relationships with, and a reasonable guide for the size and scope of your CRM. It's based on the 1990s research of anthropologist Robin Dunbar, who tracked a correlation between the size of a primate's cortex and the size of social

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