Breakdowns Create Breakthroughs

I’ve had the pleasure to get to know so many of you and your individual stories. It’s truly been one of the biggest honors of my life. Woven into those stories are times of extreme joy and times of struggle. The majority of them at one point include struggle, a

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You Were Built for This

We are in unprecedented times, but you were built for this.

We just finished up the official week one of this crisis and it was a week where everyone had to pivot and adjust to a virtual working environment and a shelter-in-place order. The shift has been difficult for

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7 Tips to Improve Your Client Relationships

The key to strong relationships, whether personal or professional, starts and stops with communication.  If you don’t communicate with your clients, the relationship most likely will be one transaction and done.

From a business standpoint, that is such a lost opportunity. It’s been proven that it is 18 times more

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You vs. You

This week 12 years ago, February 2008, I woke up on a Tuesday morning to the heavy weight and realization that I was in for the financial fight of my life. Tears on the pillow, adrenaline pumping through my body, I rolled over to check the time. It was 3:30

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Fall In Love With the Process

We all know that if you wing it, don’t put out the effort, and run from your struggles, your business is never going to get off the ground. Or worse yet, it will fail.

Some people do a few things consistently, but most put forward effort that is wildly inconsistent

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