Not Woo Woo. Just Strategy

My professional purpose is to help brokers maximize their productivity while becoming the best versions of themselves.   I do that by helping solve problems that brokers face every day.
Today,  the problem I want to help you solve is to how to fend off a scarcity mindset and create or

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Who’s Your Competition?

My professional purpose is to help brokers win in business and in life.  I do that by helping you solve problems that you face every day.
Today,  the problem I want to help you solve is how to define your competition, how to re-frame the idea of competition, and how

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Burn the Ships

I was having a conversation with a broker recently and we were discussing a challenge she had been facing for most of her adult life. It has been and continues to impact her mindset and ability to operate her business at an elite level. In these scenarios, I have one

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The Ultimate Daily Productivity Hack

I came into 2021 dedicating the year to improving my lifestyle from a wellness standpoint and to downshift and let content, ideas and strategies find me, not actively look for the new. As ideas emerged, I stress tested them and brought them to you on my MMPTs. Sometimes it's important

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The Power of Setting Expectations

Personal and professional growth is charted by one's level of confidence and the ability to set boundaries, execute processes, live by rituals and routines and stay completely focused on the details that will lead to a larger goal. That confidence continues to grow with experience and your ability to express

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Gamify Your Results

Yes, "Gamify" is a word.  It's defined as adding typical elements of game playing (point scoring, competition with others, rules of play) to an activity or process.
This is MMPT #8 of 2021 and I've discussed big topics like "1BT - One Big Thing",  "Momentum 101", I went deep and

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2021 Market: Survival Tip #1

If you haven't noticed, we are in an exciting but difficult market. Many experienced agents that I speak to have said to me repeatedly "I've never seen a market like this." Most properties that are single entry or small condo projects that show nicely and are priced well are seeing

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Financial Literacy 101

"Take Flight" was built on the fundamentals of entrepreneurship. Mindset, Habits, Routines, Rituals, Essentialism, Leverage, and Relationships are all key fundamental components that if used consistently are the foundation for building a predictable and enjoyable business. Last week, I laid out the "30 Things I wish I Knew by 30"

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30 Things I Wish I Knew at 30

I started my real estate career, at age 30, 23 years ago in February of 1998 starting part time with a developer that needed open house help on the weekends. 13 years ago in February, I had my real estate heart attack. In February of 2011, 10 years ago next

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