Your Summer 2022 Market Reality Check

It's time to talk about what I'm seeing in today's shifting market based on conversations I am having with agents locally and with agents and leaders throughout the US and Canada. I also have several trusted news sources whose research I value on all things housing economics and I'll share

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The 3% Mindset

On this episode, I want to go a little bit deeper into the most under-utilized, powerful asset we have at our disposal to live an amazing life and build an enjoyable and predictable business - the mind.


The mind, just like software, is programmable. It is up to the

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Not All Action is Created Equal

On this episode,  I will discuss how to make the best decisions for you, your business and how to create the most effective and efficient ACTION to meet your goals and vision.  There's a lot of pressure on your time so you need to make the most of the hours

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Avoid the Noise. Do this instead.

On this episode, I will discuss how you need avoid "the noise" that occurs during a shifting market and how to create the action needed to set up your business for a productive Q3 and Q4 2022 and build momentum going into 2023.

There is no doubt that you've started

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Just Three Feet from Gold

Right now my goal is to prove to you that your next big breakthrough is a just a decision and some inspired action away from becoming a reality.

In the grandparent of all self-development books, "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill, Hill was charged with interviewing and investigating the

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Success is a Mind Game

Today, I want to remind you how important it is to create and stay in the right mindset. As difficult as life and running a business can become, we have to set expectations with ourselves mentally in order to maintain a sense of productive flow. I will give you a

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The Confused Mind Says “No”

Today I will discuss the importance of the clear, educated mind needed to really navigate this market and win.  Not just for your clients but for you the broker.  Any confusion or lack of understanding will create hesitation, regret, and inaction… 3 traits you want to avoid at all times.

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Sprint and Celebrate – Redefined

Today, I want to redefine my definition of what it means to "Sprint and Celebrate."  In essence, "Sprint" means that you have a defined period of time when you execute with intention.  "Celebrate" means that you commit to taking a period of time to power down and enjoy after a

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