Papier Stationery

Maintaining relationships goes way beyond organizing your database. Excellent service is about making people feel valued, and there are few ways more effective than personal outreach. Taking the time to compose a note to someone is meaningful. It's a level of effort that will make a memorable impression. I like

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The Value of Time

On this 178th episode of my Monday Morning Pep Talk, I will give you the results of my most recent "thinking sessions" on the top of TIME. This topic comes up a lot this time of year as we start to execute the business plans we create for our 3-Year

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What Did 2022 Teach You?

On this first Monday Morning Pep Talk of 2023, I will discuss the importance of reviewing and documenting what the turbulence of 2022 taught you. I did the exercise and I'll share with you what I experienced that was "validating" and what I hope to explore more in 2023. Explore

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Working Smart

If you are swimming (or drowning) in to-do's with no end in sight, it's time to revise your execution strategy. GRIP, by Dutch author Rick Pastoor, is an essential guide for people who have too much to do. It's packed with insights that Pastoor has tried and tested that

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Wrap Up Your 2022 This Way

On this 176th episode of my MMPT, I'll turn the lights off on 2022 with a list of helpful, simple yet productive tips you can use to end this year on the right note. Just like you'd give a client feedback after a showing of their property, you need to

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The Basics: Client Care and Hospitality

On today's 175th episode of my Monday Morning Pep Talk, I will discuss the difference between "service" and "hospitality" and how this topic could be the shift you need in 2023 to increase client advocacy of your business. Super achievers in the world of real estate brokerage will tell you

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