On today's 204th episode of my Monday Morning Pep Talk, I will officially complete the first 3 sections of Take Flight ("The Cockpit,” "The Tail" and "The Cabin") before we continue on building your aircraft (your business) by adding the wings (lead generation and systems/processes). The goal continues to be building a business that will fly at 30,000 feet. I've pushed a lot of ideas, concepts and information your way and it will take months/years to implement. Today, I will do a quick review of some of the areas we've discussed through the first 24 episodes of Take Flight V4.0 and I plan to challenge you with a set of questions I'll be asking you throughout this episode. I want you to do an audit on where you are right now. By doing this, you will identify the “low hanging fruit" that you can focus on during your upcoming quarterly initiatives. High performance is a choice. Now that you know the "how,” if you are not changing, you are choosing.
First, you have to start with a 3-Year Vision (#3YV) – the set of goals that make up a picture in your mind of how you want to live (#lifestyle) and the type of person you want to become. I used the Dan Sullivan question to prompt you to get specific on your #3YV: "If we were having this discussion 3 years from today and we were looking back over those 3 years, what would have had to happen in your life, both personally and professionally, for you to feel happy with your progress?" (The Dan Sullivan Question). Do you have a 3-year vision? It's a yes or no question so either you do or don't. If I was to ask you "Tell me about your 3-Year Vision?,” within 5 seconds, could you start to outline how you want to live and who you want to become? If you do have a #3YV written down, are you looking at it every day?
If you are not changing, you are choosing.
Next, do you have a written plan to reach your goals? I suggest using the 12 Week Year business planning method I discovered when I read the book The 12 Week Year by Brian Moran. I've not found a better approach for goal achievement. It essentially breaks down your 3-Year Vision into 12 quarters. Each quarter is 12 weeks focused on executing specific goals for that quarter with a 13th week to review, plan and celebrate. Are you executing on the 12 Week Year?
If you are not changing, you are choosing.
Once you've got your vision and a plan to reach your goals, you need to do a deep dive into your mind. Do you have the right "mindset" to hit your goals? The definition of mindset is do you have your "mind" (how you think) "set" (like the thermostat on your HVAC) programmed to do what you need to do each day to be successful at hitting your goals and manifesting your vision. Personally, this is a daily battle for me and I think it is for most of you. Negativity will seep in and that's just your brain doing its job. How are you feeling? How's your energy? Do you have time set aside each day to "meet with your vision?"
If you are not changing, you are choosing.
High performance starts with elimination. You need to look at the anchors that are slowing down your progress and your ability to execute. You know what they are and many of those anchors have been with you for a long time. You can make the most progress, fast, by removing the anchors or compartmentalizing them until you can remove them. Why add more sails to your sailboat if you've got anchors holding you down? What anchor can you eliminate today that will improve your speed towards success?
If you are not changing, you are choosing.
How are your habits and routines? Are they serving you or slowing you down? Are you playing on offense or defense during the day? To win your 3-Year Vision, you need to win the quarter, to win the quarter, you need to win weeks. To win the week, you need to win the day. To win the day, you need to win the morning.
If you front load your day, front load your week, plan out your quarter and know where you are going and execute on it every day, you will win. Do you want to win? Good, start by "eliminating" that hour of streaming the latest show at night, go to bed earlier, get up an hour earlier, plan your day and watch the magic happen. 90% of success is showing up consistently.
If you are not changing, you are choosing.
We spent the last 10 sessions talking about your "lists.” Do you have a "Top 100?" Do you have a warm list, a hot list that you review each day? Do you have a Top 100 for your referral and transaction partners? Do you have a list of collaborative brokers in your immediate area that you trust and collaborate with you? If you don't actively manage your relationships you'll be on the hamster wheel of active lead generation the rest of your career. How many of your clients are actively selling your business? (Platinum and Golds). Do you know what I mean by Platinum and Gold clients? How "charged" are the batteries (your clients) powering your business?
If you are not changing, you are choosing.
I wrote this MMPT to challenge you as your leader and coach. I don't want to want this for you more than you want it for yourself. What I've talked about since the beginning of Take Flight V4.0, over the 24 episodes, is a lot like drinking out of a firehose at times. It's a lot of content that could take your entire 3-Year Vision to implement or, if you are further along, you could put the finishing touches on this part of your business by the end of the year.
Let me ask you: Would you celebrate if you were in mastery of each of the areas we've discussed in the first 3 sections? My guess is that you are giving me a "Hell YES.” Would you be in a better place personally and professionally? Hell yes, you would. Will you have finally conquered those areas that you've known that you need to address in your life and business? What's stopping you? Do you need to work on your mindset first?
If it feels like I am speaking to you directly, I am.
But just realize that this is the struggle most brokers are experiencing so don't beat yourself up. Your brain is trying to keep you safe and safety to the brain equals the status quo (paying the bills). It takes intention to break through. It takes action to break through. It takes consistency to break through. None of which costs you a dime, but I must remind you...
If you are not changing, you are choosing.
Now go get to work. I'll be back with you after the Labor Day holiday. I'm a work in progress myself so I've got my own auditing, deep thinking and planning to do.