Fireside Chat with Mckinze Casey

Want an inside look at how to build your business through strategic direction? During my recent summit in Chicago, Mckinze Casey shared how she balances personal priorities with an award-winning real estate career. Think about switching to an entirely new market AND reinvigorating your career after taking a year off because you just had… twins.

When Mckinze relocated from Chicago to Denver, she chose to re-enter the business with renewed focus on strategic differentiation. And it’s paid off. She’s one of the top performers in a brokerage with nearly 500 agents and she’s widely recognized for her marketing pieces and community engagement. Her approach leverages market segmentation to target potential clients with the information that is specifically useful to them. Plus she puts time into creating memorable experiences for past and potential clients. Just listen to how she partners with local restaurants on a win-win for them and the homeowners in their neighborhoods.

Highly attentive research and high impact efforts are what Mckinze Casey uses to connect with targeted audiences and cultivate repeat clients. Strategy plus effort plus CONSISTENCY equal success. Mckinze proves it.