Don’t Make Simple Difficult

I’ve mentioned before that the majority of my #mindset breakthroughs have come in the month of December. In December, I am super contemplative. I take a lot of time to review the year, do a deep dive on what works, and think about where I can improve and help others

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Hindsight is 2020

“Hindsight is 20/20.” The meaning of this phrase is that, in hindsight, things are obvious that were not obvious at the outset – we are better at evaluating our past choices than at evaluating them in the moment of choice. The phrase is based on having 20/20 vision – perfect

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Build Your Business in Episodes

An important coaching topic and a point that we all need to remember is that building a business as a real estate broker comes in stages, or as I like to call them “episodes.”

An episode is defined as an "event or a group of events occurring as part of

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Next Level Execution: Learn to Transition

There are three areas of your life and business that, if mastered, will have the biggest impact on your success:

  1. Staying focused daily on your Vision and your Goals.
  2. Developing rock solid time management habits, rituals, routines, boundaries and rules.
  3. Database and Relationship Management.

…so, if you want to prioritize

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Be More Efficient, Create More Income

October, November, and December have always been the months where I have taken a 30,000-foot look at my life, business, and career and tried to find the one area where, if I could make significant improvements, they would have a huge impact on my level of success and overall happiness.

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