The first characteristic of an Elite Level Producer that we discussed last month was CLARITY. ELPs take time to think. They take time to think so they can improve themselves and their businesses. They want to optimize all aspects of their lives.
We’ve covered the first four characteristics of an Elite Level Producer in our previous four #MMPTs. Clarity, Awareness, Commitment and Consistency were outlined in detail as characteristics that ELPs have in common. To review, an ELP is the Top 3% of any market segment. Studies have shown
Okay, we’ve talked about the first 3 Characteristics of an Elite Level Producer over the course of the last month. Let me remind you, these characteristics are not ranked by importance. I am introducing them to you in an episodic manner. What does episodic mean? It essentially means that I
Over the last couple of weeks, we started looking at the 7 characteristics of an Elite Level Producer. We’ve identified that an ELP has CLARITY. They know where they are going and they have mapped out a plan on how to get there. We also discovered that they are AWARE
On last week’s #MMPT, we discussed CLARITY. CLARITY describes the level of focus needed to create what you want in your life and business. I went on to introduce you to the term ELP which is the acronym for Elite Level Producer. An ELP is the top 3% of
During last week’s #MMPT, I revealed a list of characteristics I felt all elite level performers exhibited based on my research and experience. This topic evolved out of a meditation I had just a week prior. I noticed how impatient people get with their lives and business. Life has
My mind was racing last week and after one of my morning meditations I started to think about the importance of patience and how I’ve noticed that some agents are so focused on the here and now and are not looking far enough out. For the record, that is a
It’s hard to believe that is our seventh week of talking about the COVID19 Quarantine. It seems like a lifetime ago that we entered this period of our life, doesn’t it?
Throughout this time, I’ve attempted to address the overwhelming feelings the majority of you are experiencing. This crisis has
Since the beginning of this crisis, I’ve been saying that your clients, with any prolonged time in quarantine, would seriously “stress test” their living situations. Not only are they stress testing their homes, they have had time to completely review what is important to them and how they want to