Measure What Matters

On this 252nd episode of my Monday Morning Pep Talk, I will cover the importance of the "art of tracking." This is simply when you track your progress towards a goal, a habit, a routine or a process that will ultimately move you closer to your 3 Year Vision. To effectively change a result in any area of your life or business, you have no choice but to "Measure what Matters.”


Before I jump into today's call, I want to remind you of my professional purpose and that is to help you, the full service, full fee Advisor, optimize your productivity and help you become the best version of yourself.  Why? "Because Happy Advisors Sell More Real Estate".  I do that by teaching you how to handle the challenges and opportunities that you face every day. If you can effectively manage those certain situations that arise on a daily basis in your business, you'll be more productive and live a life that is the best version of you. My ask is that you listen as if you are in a one-on-one coaching session with me in my office or on a phone call.


This idea of "tracking" or using measurement tools to create a result is not native to real estate brokerage business planning. Let me give you some examples:


  • If you are on a health and wellness journey and your goal is to lose 20 pounds, how would you even be able to accomplish that goal if you didn't track what you ate, the calories you consume, your workouts, or tracking your steps or weighing yourself at the end of the week? Tracking and measuring are essential in order to meet your health and wellness goals. How could you possibly reach your business development goals if you didn't track your progress? You wouldn't hit your goals.
  • If you have financial goals, which we all do, how would you possibly meet those goals if you didn't break them down into smaller chunks measuring your progress over a set period of time? You would most likely fail if you didn't have a consistent tracking and budgeting process. So, how could you possibly reach your business development goals if you didn't track your progress? You wouldn't.
  • When you create a list of life experiences you want to live through travel and exploration, how would you measure your progress of living those experiences if you didn't check things off the list as you experienced them? You would most likely forget that you had a list. So, how could you possibly reach your business development goals if you didn't track your progress? By now you know the answer.


My guess is that you don't disagree with me on this, so why is it so hard to track towards your goals in smaller, daily and weekly chunks? The simple answer is that you've not created a habit or routine to support "tracking" and "measurement". It's pretty simple. You have to program your brain to see this as a "safety" measure. Your brain wants to protect you, so creating a habit or routine that ultimately turns these activities into a bio rhythm teaches your brain that tracking and measuring what matters "keeps you safe."


There are 2 areas in the 2025 Business Planning Guide that can be used to address these habits and routines:


  1. Your Daily Rhythm: Somewhere in your day, you need to read your goals and vision and do your daily tracking of your areas of focus and your quarterly initiatives. You do this until it's a natural part of your bio rhythm.
  1. Weekly Meeting with Yourself: This weekly activity is starting to rise to the top as one of the most important habits and rituals that you can create for your life and business. It's that weekly meeting that will keep you in check by giving you the quiet time to track towards and measure what matters. If you have not implemented a Weekly Meeting with Yourself, normally on a Sunday or early Monday morning, implement that as a non-negotiable for 2025. Seriously though, take out your calendar right now and create a weekly recurring meeting. It should last about 1 hour. That hour will save you 5-10 hours during the week.


I’ll say it again - this strategy is so easy, but so hard for some of you to execute. That's just your brain doing its job. You need to retrain your brain to look at tracking as "safety" not "danger". How? You do it by focusing on certain areas consistently until they become part of your DNA.


Team, have a great week.  You can email me at [email protected] or explore this site to find resources that will help you soar.

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