Fly Light

On this 248th episode of my Monday Morning Pep Talk,  I will challenge you to take a look at everything in your life and business and identify those strategies which are giving you a return on your investment in time and money and make a commitment to doubling down on those strategies.  At the same time, I will challenge you to look at those things that are not working and eliminate them from your life and your business. We call this "right sizing," and today I'll start a series of MMPTs that will provide you the ideas on how you can best accomplish this strategy in different areas of your life and business.


Before I jump into today's call, I want to remind you of my professional purpose and that is to help you, the full service, full fee Advisor, optimize your productivity and help you become the best version of yourself.  Why? "Because Happy Advisors Sell More Real Estate". I do that by teaching you how to handle the challenges and opportunities that you face every day. If you can effectively manage those certain situations that arise on a daily basis in your business, you'll be more productive and live a life that is the best version of you. My ask is that you listen as if you are in a one-on-one coaching session with me in my office or on a phone call. If you'd like a transcript and full recording of today's MMPT, send me an email at [email protected] and I will add you to my private email list.


I am entering my "Take Flight - Fly Light" era. "Fly Light" is the V5 (version 5) editing of Take Flight, my high performance coaching platform that I started organically in September of 2011. My truth has been to identify strategies for real estate advisors that make a real difference in their lives and businesses. Each year, I put out the equivalent of 2-3 audiobooks of content which has been effective, but which also creates a problem -  the "good stuff" can get lost in the noise. The pruning process of "Fly Light" challenged me further to change my thinking to "less is more.” It contradicts our current culture which points to hustle more, do more and try more no matter the costs, which doesn't work over the long haul because all of the noise gets in the way of actual progress. "Take Flight - Fly Light" is flexible. It's not a one size fits all process and it cuts right to the good stuff.


My MMPTs, over the next 10 to 12 episodes wrapping up 2024, will be the greatest hits of Take Flight, the good old fashion go-tos that work every single time. For those of you who follow closely, you will see some changes in my approach and philosophy around what works. You'll see some slight changes to the phrases and words that make up my guiding principles. I am more focused than ever on bringing a larger group of real estate advisors and entrepreneurs along for the ride to "what could be" with the right effort placed on the right strategies.  At last week's Global Networking Event, sponsored by Sotheby's International Realty, it became apparent to me speaking to many of you who listen that you value the content.  For many of you, it's become part of your personal weekly routine. For those of you who offered that feedback, thank you.  It was inspiring to me and allowed me to recommit to this weekly content creation process.


You'll notice that the "Fly Light" MMPTs will be shorter and more to the point, targeted at an incredibly specific thought process. The titles of the MMPTs will be short and fewer than 5 words. You can expect them to be 8-12 minutes long, which is a timeframe that allows you to get to a showing a couple of blocks away while also giving you the ability to listen to it over and over because of the bite size nature of the content. I realize that we all learn through repetition, so I don't want you to be overwhelmed by the length of the episodes. Of the 40-50 people that approached me at GNE, most if not all told me that you consume my content on @applepodcasts so you will see my focus pivot to that platform with supporting content being ramped up on Instagram.


Here are some of the topics I will hit on between now and when the bell strikes 2025:


  1. "Vision": is this the right word to motivate entrepreneurs and real estate professionals to do the work to meet the new standards they have placed on themselves? Not fully. It feels incredibly 2013 to 2017 and needed some complimentary phrases to support it. I did throw in the words "standards" and "clarity" as supporting terms.  As I change my thought process around that which motivates you down into your DNA, "vision" is not resonating but "standards" and "clarity" might hit better.  It does for me.  More on that in the coming weeks.
  2. "Daily Rhythm" will replace "Morning Ritual" in my Take Flight vocabulary. All I care about is that you "play on offense" and that takes a serious planning ritual. I don't care how you do it but you will need an incredibly dialed in daily rhythm to accomplish what it takes to be an ELP or Super Achiever.
  3. "The Next 10".  This is a phrase that I've developed over the course of 2024. It describes a relationship and CRM management-based thought process which combines an intuitive approach to managing your 5 lists. If you've got your 5 lists set up in the right format, you can easily go through them, eye them and decide easily who you must put at the top of your list to "touch".   I will start next week with this topic.  As we hit late September and continuing through the fall, there is no better time of the year to go deep on client relationships. As a result, "Fly Light" will start with "The Next 10" concept around relationship and CRM management.


These 3 topics are just a few examples of some powerful, proven updates to Take Flight that I will cover over the next few weeks as we wrap up 2024. As the industry changes so must it's leaders and content creators.


Is it official?  Am I in my "Take Flight- Fly Light" era"? I am! because I've listened, I've observed, and it became abundantly clear that Take Flight needed another round of editing to meet the challenges we face in this industry right now. The 2025 Take Flight Business Planning Guide reflects those changes and you'll get that update on next week's email.


As I have challenged myself to edit what works for my life and business, I challenge you to take the final quarter of 2024 and "right size" your life and business. Does your life and business need some editing? That's for you to decide but I'll bring you my thoughts - unvarnished - over the coming weeks.


Have a great week.

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