Take Flight – Your Marketing and Personal Branding Checklist

On this 215th episode of my Monday Morning Pep Talk and the final topic for Section 5 (Marketing and Personal Branding) of Take Flight V4.0, I will provide you a checklist of the people, tools and processes you need in order to build a marketing and personal branding strategy that will elevate your business. Marketing and personal branding is exactly that: personal. It requires your dedication, effort and resources to create real value for your business. No one can do it for you. The top brokers/advisors in the industry take ownership of their brand and understand that it is the fuel for their business.

In my previous 3 MMPTs, I dropped a content strategy around the popular phrase: "People Hire Who They Know, Like and Trust.” I highly recommend that you go back and listen to the following content:

What I hope to do today is give you a framework - a checklist in which to start, evaluate or improve the structure of your marketing. Look at it as your marketing toolbox:

  1. Create Niche/Ideal Client - your audience
  2. Content Calendar - creates consistency
  3. Social Media scheduling software - Hootsuite or Planoly
  4. Your Marketing Team - photographer, videographer, social media strategist
  5. Social Media "follows" - identify 10-15 people that inspire you and create similar content rightsized to your business strategy
  6. Lead Tracker - continuously track where your "seed leads" come from and nurture that marketing strategy
  7. Dedicated Time Blocks - research and execution of your marketing strategies
  8. Call to Action statements and hooks - give something of value
  9. Organized Storage for evergreen content - B-roll, videos that can used over and over - Dropbox
  10. Listing Launch Process - use your listings as a marketing opportunity to create additional business similar to Thomas Wright's strategy

Posting is not marketing. Developing a strategy to connect, nurture and capture new business is marketing.

Marketing is about creating connections with people that need your talents and experience.

Marketing and your brand are personal, so they will require your effort and commitment to build the machine that will drive business to the top end of your sales funnel. This is a perfect segue into how I will wrap up Take Flight V4.0 over the coming few weeks. Next week, I will layout the "formula" that I have used to build my businesses and also help others build their businesses. It's simple in structure but takes commitment and consistency to see results (like anything else of value).

Until we wrap up Take Flight V4.0, as it relates to your marketing and personal branding, my ask is that you focus on becoming a good marketer in the coming months. It will allow you to put the rest of your business into action.