Take Flight – 10 Tips to Optimize Your Time

On this 193rd episode of my Monday Morning Pep Talk, I will bring to you 10 tips that I've learned and used over the years to optimize the time I've spent towards my meeting my goals and serving the commitments of a crazy schedule. Sometimes it's not what you do with your time but what you don't do with your time, and you'll see exactly what I mean as I go through my 10 tips today. The key word is "optimize" - that simply means to "make the best or most effective use of a situation.” We all have 24 hours a day and 365 days a year that we need to make the most of, so how do we "optimize" our time. Let me give you my list:

  1. Eliminate anything that does not provide you an ROI on your money or time.
  2. Automate everything that can be automated both in your business and personal life.
  3. Update your devices at least every 2 years to improve response times.
  4. Use apps and software to run your systems and processes.
  5. Limit the time wasted scrolling and bingeing. Understand it as an addiction to dopamine and make the changes needed to protect your mind.
  6. Calendar your high priority tasks and time block.  Use “airplane mode” during times of deep work.
  7. Become a student of artificial intelligence and identify tools and prompts that can help eliminate wasted time.
  8. Delegate or outsource everything that can be done under your PPH rate (profit per hour). Buy back your time.
  9. Manage yourself to no more than 50 hours per week of work. If you are working more than 50 hours a week, see #8.
  10. Create boundaries around your time and who you invest your time with, both personally and professionally. Learn to say “Hell no.”

There is an entire science behind "time optimization" but most of the concepts are incredibly simple and it's just a matter of implementing them into your world. It starts with truly understanding the dollar value of your time and protecting it. The time saved should be reinvested back into yourself personally or into higher value items that can grow your business.

On next week's 194th episode of my MMPT, I'll pull together all of the concepts that I've talked about in the "Tail Section" of Take Flight V4.0. before we head into the Memorial Day holiday weekend. Having proper systems, processes, habits and routines are paramount for you to see your vision become a reality. This "tail" section truly can take you from "Chaos to Opportunity,” the topic of next week's call.