Wrap Up Your 2022 This Way

On this 176th episode of my MMPT, I'll turn the lights off on 2022 with a list of helpful, simple yet productive tips you can use to end this year on the right note. Just like you'd give a client feedback after a showing of their property, you need to look at each day, week, quarter and year the same way. For the sake of this call, I'll give you some tips on what your focus should be as you wrap up 2022.

Here are 7 things I've done over the years during this end of the year "no fly zone" to prepare for the upcoming year:

  1. Rest. It is surprisingly hard for some to power down and really enjoy this time, be grateful and prepare your mind and body for the next long stretch of a busy season for most in this industry.
  2. Use your quiet times to read and reflect. The words within a really good book can be calming and motivating at the same time. My top 3 books of 2022 are:
    1. The Gap and the Gain by Dan Sullivan and Dr. Benjamin Hardy
    2. The Psychology of Money by Morgan Housel
    3. Unreasonable Hospitality by Will Guidara
  3. Review the year and ask yourself "What went right?" "Where can I improve?" Keep a notepad or journal close by. I've gotten some of my best ideas during this time of the year.
  4. Put the finishing touches on your 1-year theme and quarterly initiative. Ask yourself "What is the low hanging fruit? What will have biggest impact on me over the next 12 months that will have the biggest impact on my 3-year vision?" What is your "word" for 2023?
  5. Get your task management planner ready for the new year. As I've discussed, I use a combination of my calendar and task management system and a daily planner (TUL) to plan my days. I look at my DAILY PLANNING METHOD almost as a dress rehearsal for the day. Listen to Episode #137 for more on My Daily Planning Method.
  6. While I focus on powering down, I try to keep my daily rhythm the same. I don't want to have to take the month of January to get my momentum back in full swing.
  7. Unsubscribe from any and all emails that that do not serve a purpose and unfollow anyone, news outlet, or business on your social media that does not provide value towards your goals.

None of these 7 things on this list are tough, but they will have you prepared going into the new year. To say 2022 has been an interesting year would be an understatement. We've seen in full technicolor what happens when "the herd" shifts direction. After having been in this business for 25 years, you realize that these shifts occur about every 8 to 12 years and that you've got to prepare for them. Just like any storm that barrels through, they all move on and eventually the market shifts back to some normalcy. I'm truly optimistic about 2023 as wonderful opportunities await your clients. As we sit here now, there looks to be less head winds; the expectations of the consumer have been reset. We've been reminded that no matter what type of market it is, super achievers/ELPs do well compared to the overall market. My promise is that I'll continue to bring you the message of what works and what doesn't as we move into 2023.

Now I am going to take the advice I gave you and try to power down and reset before the clock turns to 2023. I'll be back with you on January 9th with more tips on how to navigate your business.

“Happy Agents Sell More Real Estate” will always be my battle cry.