The Basics: Mindset

In this MMPT, I’ll begin my series of topics that I discussed on last week’s call that revolves around "the basics.” Today, we tackle the topic of MINDSET. It should always be at the top of your focus areas, but MINDSET is extra important during times of transition and change. I've presented on this topic consistently over the years but felt it was the topic I wanted to start with as I tackle the basics. It's important to remind you consistently that it is essential to create and stay in the right mindset. As difficult as life and running a business can become, we have to set expectations with ourselves mentally in order to maintain a sense of productive flow. I will outline the strategies I've used to stay at a "frequency" that is in line with my personal and professional vision and goals.

In the fall of 2010, I started a journey to learn more about the mind. I have tried a lot of mind hacks and strategies, and I have eliminated most but kept and committed to others. On this episode, I will go through the strategies I have executed to maintain the "frequency" needed to hit my vision/ goals. Before I go there, I want to review a couple of concepts that are proven through quantum physics:

  1. "What you think, you become. What you feel, you attract. What you imagine, you create.” - Buddha. All religions and science agree on this one thing. It summarizes that you rise or fall to the level of your thinking. The built-in goal strategy for most people is "survival" or as I say "pay the bills.” If you want to do more than survive, you have to change your thinking. 
  2. Creating and maintaining a frequency in line with your goals is an every minute of every day practice. Self-awareness is so important. You need "mind hacks" that change your frequency to 51% positive or higher. "Any idea, plan or purpose may be placed in the mind through repetition of thought." - Napoleon Hill
  3. If your mind is not right, you will not do the things needed to live the life you want to live or become the person you want to become.  This is not woo woo, this is strategy. The formula you need to keep at the center of your goal setting strategy is "Thoughts create feelings. Feelings create Action.  Action creates the Results." I became aware of this definition of the "Law of Attraction" by Darren Hardy.

Here are the practices I've used over the years to "stay in flow":

  1. Alone time. I need time alone to think. Call it what you want. You can call it meditation, thinking time, think-itation, but the key is that you need downtime, quiet time in thought, time to reassess, re-calibrate and re-center. My morning ritual is why I win. Period. I need 2-3 hours a day alone to function and I give myself that time before 7:00 a.m. when I start to give the rest of my waking hours to everyone else.
  2. Proper sleep. I need 7 hours. I've tested it several different ways and I've made it a priority. If I don't get enough, I make it up as soon as I can. You cannot operate on lack of sleep.
  3. Proper exercise. Yes, exercise maintains physical health, but I noticed just as many or more mental gains by staying fit though exercise.
  4. Sprint and Celebrate. Like many of you, I love my work and I am a borderline workaholic. I don't hunt, fish, boat, ski, sail or golf (yet). I write, I lead, I manage, I coach and I mentor. I love what it brings to me personally, professionally and financially. My coaching is centered around maintaining balance and a proper mindset to create "happiness.” Happy brokers do sell more real estate. If you love to work like me, you need to love to shut it down to recharge. Build your travel in advance and in increments needed to stay focused and on top of your game. If you don't have a huge travel budget, you can still power down in simpler ways. This keeps your body healthy and your mind clear.
  5. Stay focused on myself, not the external. Keep your goals front and center and you'll be happier; you cannot control what others do. External comparison has killed so many dreams.
  6. Take a long drive. Focus on one question. Let your subconscious give you answers.
  7. A memorized affirmation that centers you in the moment. Many of you have heard mine. It goes like this: "I am so happy and grateful that money, success and introductions flow to me in ever increasing quantities, from a myriad of different sources. My life is perfect. Every day in every way I get better and better.”
  8. Vision. You need a 3 year vision that you are pushing towards each day, week and quarter. "The 12 Week Year" is my operating manual for a reason.  During my thinking time in the morning, I pull out my goal board and true up whether or not I am on track. You need to feel, smell, taste, see and hear your goals.

Most of the 911 calls I get are the result of agents operating at a low frequency for a long period of time. A shifting market takes its toll psychologically, recalling memories for some of you of the effects of the last real estate recession. In this shifting market, you are going to get beaten up, clients will disappoint you, you have to give disappointing news to your clients, and it can take a toll on you. To thrive, you must compartmentalize the realities of your business and make sure that your mind is right so you can handle difficult decisions and conversations with grace and confidence. Maintaining a high performing mindset is not a passive strategy. It is the only way you can compete at the top of your game. You have to learn how to hit the "reset" button and it's best if you do it daily. One of my favorite new quotes is "Successful people just hit the reset button more often.” This is an incredibly important skill.

Building strategies around maintaining a high frequency is key to living a happy life. In fact, I've not met a super achiever/ELP who hasn't consciously or subconsciously made this a priority. Make this a strategic priority before a painful personal, financial or medical situation forces you to change how you operate. I thought I would just live a charmed life forever, but I learned the hard way, that's not how it works. Mindset matters.