The Basics: Execution

On this 171st episode of my Monday Morning Pep Talk, I’ll continue my series on “the basics” of what is required to perform at a high level, being an ELP/super achiever. Last week, I talked about the need to create and maintain a MINDSET necessary to navigate in and perform at a high level. On that call, I reiterated the need for a vision/goal to act as your NORTHSTAR to get you where you want to go in your life and business. Today, I’m following up with the next topic in the series and discussing EXECUTION.

Execution is a really broad topic. To be successful, we have to execute. If you don’t wake up in the morning and get to work, you won’t survive. So yes, EXECUTION is everything and today I will talk about the 7 areas that I feel are pivotal if you want to play big. I’ll speak high-level on these 7 areas and give you my book recommendations on each topic and which MMPT podcast episodes to go back and listen to for review in greater detail.

There are 7 areas that require you to EXECUTE:

  1. Your Plan
  2. Business Development
  3. Systems and Processes
  4. Habits and Routines
  5. Self-Development
  6. Your Finances
  7. Rest

Your Plan

Remember the term “periodization” which is defined in the ‘12 Week Year’ as breaking down your execution strategy into smaller increments of time: 3 years, 12 quarters, 12 weeks and then days in the week. Brian Moran explains the “Execution System” in Chapter 12. In listening to my podcast, you will get a heavy dose of ‘The 12 Week Year.’ As I start year 55 today, I can tell you for a fact year that 54 was by far my most productive year and it was because, for the first time, I gave myself 4 quarterly deadlines instead of 1 annual deadline.

MMPT Episode #150: Discipline Shows Up When Motivation Doesn’t

MMPT Episode #165: Week 13 Explained

Business Development

Business development is the process of implementing strategies and opportunities across your business to promote growth and boost revenue. The word business, not hobby, is in the definition. Most growth in a real estate business comes from the “3 Rocks of Marketing” (lead generation) and “Database and Relationship Management” (client retention).

Book Recommendation: ‘Unreasonable Hospitality’ by Will Guidara

MMPT Episode #141: Are You Planting the Right Seeds?

MMPT Episode #157: Are You Open for Business?

MMPT Episode #159: How Many Clients Are in Your Top 100?

MMPT Episode #161: The Lowest Common Denominator Business Strategy

Systems and Processes

ELPs/Super Achievers “multiply” their efforts by building tried and true systems and processes in their businesses, which is why they run the best businesses and live the best lives. They don’t reinvent during each transaction. They get best practices out of their heads and execute on them, creating systems and processes that work for the business and save a massive amount of time. ELPs/super achievers take that time saved and reinvest it back into their businesses and their lives.

Book Recommendation: ‘Procrastinate on Purpose: 5 Permissions to Multiply Your Time’ by Rory Vaden

MMPT Episode #135: If You See Consistency, You’ll Find This

MMPT Episode #151: Not All Action Is Created Equal

Habits and Routines

You cannot execute your plan if you have not created daily and weekly habits and routines. I will spend an entire MMPT reviewing this exact topic in detail in 2 weeks but for now the following quote sums it up:

“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” – Will Durant

Book Recommendation: ‘Atomic Habits’ by James Clear

MMPT Episode #137: My Daily Planning Method

MMPT Episode #160: Pump the Well


The best investment you can make is in yourself and it needs to be built into your goal setting and execution strategy.

I grew up listening to Jim Rohn and Zig Zigler. A quote by Jim Rohn has stuck with me most of my life.

“Formal education will make you a living; self-education will make you a fortune.”

It can start with simply switching to audiobooks when you are driving from appointment to appointment. Most brokers spend 1-2 hours a day in their car. You can easily read 2 books a month switching from your playlist to audiobooks and podcasts. Would you be a better broker after a year?

Your Finances

Few areas can have a bigger impact on your life and business. I will wrap up 2022 with a full podcast on how to manage the financial basics. No, I will not be giving investing advice. This will be focused more on how to automate your finances. Until then, if this is an area you want to get a jump on, I highly recommend the following 2 books:

‘I Will Teach You to Be Rich’ by Ramit Sethi

‘The Psychology of Money’ by Morgan Housel


Yes, building in downtime to “rest” and “recharge” is an essential execution strategy. If you want to identify an ELP/Super Achiever, watch for those who are crushing it in business but also find the time for travel and “play.”

Book Recommendations: ‘Rest’ by Alex Soojung-Kim Pang

MMPT Episode #140: The Life Hack I Wished I Learned Earlier

MMPT Episode #155: Success Requires Review and Reflection

I hope you use this email almost like a playlist as you continue to tweak your 3-Year Vision, plan your 2023 theme, and begin to identify your best goal to tackle in Q1 of 2023. Remember this new guiding principle:


It’s time to EXECUTE, team. Markets like these will expose those who do not EXECUTE. Those who do execute will come out the other end of this with increased market share. Trust me. Been there, done that.

Have a great week team.  Next week, I’ll share my annual Thanksgiving week MMPT on Gratitude, another basic you must have in your life.

You might be asking ‘How do I get on this email list?’ You can email me at [email protected] or visit my profile link on Instagram where there is a form you can quickly fill out.  Either way, my team will add you.