
You know that I am a devotee of meditation and that my morning ritual is non-negotiable. This mindfulness practice is essential not just to my biorhythms but to my daily productivity and the success that I enjoy over the short and long term. Synctuition is an app that I use to facilitate my meditation practice, and I highly recommend it to you.

Synctuition combines relaxing practices, including meditation, soothing music, ASMR sounds, and binaural beats to clear your mind of stress and negativity. This innovative relaxation program was created by health experts over a ten-year development period. There's a no-risk opportunity to try Synctuition with a 7-day trial that introduces you to the features of the app.

Whether you adopt Synctuition or begin another practice, meditation is an exceptional investment of your time and this is an excellent time of year to begin a personal practice.