Reduce Friction. Create Velocity.

On this episode of my Monday Morning Pep Talk, I will be talking to those of you that came into Q4 2022 knowing that you need some organization, that you need a plan and a renewed sense of commitment now that you are staring down what is an obvious shift in the market. If your 12 Week Year vision is created, you've got your quarterly initiatives created and you've got momentum heading into the quarter, you can skip this call.

Unfortunately, a lot of salespeople and entrepreneurs don't take the time to create a plan. Many of those that do take the time to plan don't execute on that same plan that they created. If you fall into one of those two camps, it's time to "clear the calculator" back to zero. There is so much noise out there in the business planning arena that many don't even start. Personally, I remember downloading these 10-to-20-page annual business plan templates and never got past page #2. I struggled with the same challenge of getting focused. I just found a way to grind it out, but now looking back, I wasted so much time. The key is to create intentional and strategic ACTION. I don't care what kind of action you create, just get moving.  That action will create momentum and momentum is the goal.  In the early stages of your planning, just focus on creating momentum.  This is why the "sprint and celebrate" concept the 12-week year (12 WY) process creates speaks to me. It keeps me focused on a deadline just 90 days out. If you subscribe to an annualized plan, change that language to "annualized theme" and break it down into quarters.

It's week 1 of the 12 WY quarterly cycle and if you don't have a plan, don't worry, I've built one out for you that is simple, effective and is in step with the process to becoming an ELP.

I want you to look at Q4 2022 in 5 steps:

  1. Commit to a 3-year vision cycle that will start January 1, 2023, if you haven't already developed your vision.
  2. As your personal initiative for Q4 2022, build out your 3-year vision that will be your north star for 2023, 2024, 2025.
  3. As your professional initiative for Q4,2022, start by taking the 12 weeks of the quarter and focus on "Elimination.” There is no better way to create momentum than to eliminate that which is not working. In this quarter, I would suggest you focus on your "environment.”
  4. Build out a "theme" for 2023. This would be an area of focus for the year.
  5. Get ready to "weed the garden.” I've got 12 simple to do's for the 12 Weeks built out for you.

If this process is new for you, again, I suggest you focus on "elimination" this quarter. To be able to move at a quicker pace, you need to remove the "anchors" which slow you down.  I see a lot of agents trying to add "sails" that they think will grow their business. All the while, they've got an environment and bad habits that negate any effort that they might put in as "sails.”

Reduce Friction, Create Velocity.

It's why I believe fully that "High Performance Starts with Elimination" is a guiding principle that you must live by throughout the year. It's not a one and done thing. To accomplish that this quarter, I've laid out a suggested quarterly set of actions that will get you moving.

First, take your 12 Weeks and commit to one of the following ideas for each of the weeks:

  1. Rethink and declutter your office space. Is it inviting and built for high performance?
  2. Declutter your primary closet. Donate anything that you've not worn in the last 4 seasons.
  3. Unsubscribe from email marketing to products or services you no longer need or use that are clogging up your inbox.
  4. Declutter the kitchen.
  5. Clean out your refrigerator and freezer.
  6. Organize the pantry and replenish staple items.
  7. Detail your car.
  8. Unfollow 100 social media profiles that add no value to you.
  9. Replace outdated technology and devices.
  10. Re-organize your garage.
  11. Prune and properly tag your ActivePipe or Email marketing lists.
  12. Organize your 2022 tax receipts. Better yet, hire a bookkeeper if you haven't already.

You might be saying right now, "Jim, this has nothing to do with my business." Not true,  it has everything to do with your business because these 12 to do's, if completed, will create momentum. As you knock out this list, you'll start feeling good about yourself which with improve your frequency. As you literally eliminate negative stagnant energy from your environment, all areas of your life and business will improve. At the end of the quarter, you'll be able to take Week 13 to celebrate. You'll love the feeling of hitting a goal, so you'll create new goals for Q1 2023 that you'll be excited to hit and achieve. Three to four quarters into the process, you'll wonder how you ever operated any other way.  Momentum has been established. Your life and business will improve. You've become addicted.

Let me ask you: "Will you celebrate on December 31, 2022, if you've created a 3-Year Vision that inspires you,  you've created a personal and professional environment that has been purged of negative and stagnant energy and you've enthusiastically created a Q1 2023 initiative around a theme that will help you manifest your 3-year vision?"

My guess is that you're giving me a "HELL YES.” If you did, it's time to get to work. Start with the room, office, or car you're sitting in right now. It needs some attention.