Jim, I Lost My ‘Why’

On this Monday Morning Pep Talk, the problem I want to help you solve is to assist you in creating a plan when you are struggling to find or re-find your "WHY.” I was recently on a call with a broker who has seen good growth in her business, and she feels good about where she is in life… but, she’s struggling with that "blah" feeling.  We agreed that she has not re-stablished a "North Star" after her latest round of personal and professional progress.

I am personally passionate about this topic because I went through this process in 2021. I was in deep need of revising my life plan and my goals to find that extra gear that I knew I was missing. I subscribed to the 12WY model in 2021 and established my 3-year vision with a vision cycle that started in January of this year. Never have I achieved more in less time than I have already in 2022. Unfortunately, most high achievers want to grind it out and hope to land in an acceptable position, robbing themselves with the satisfaction of setting a goal/vision and achieving it.

If you are experiencing the same feeling that this broker is feeling, take the following steps to find that excitement you need in order to jump out of bed in the morning excited to go to work on your life and business:

  1. Make the decision to recommit to your goals/vision. Or, finally put the effort in to add this step to your process. It really does come down to making a decision.
  2. Get inspired. Go somewhere that inspires you, turn off your phone and just think. Journal your thoughts.
  3. Take your ideas and categorize them into different sections as they relate to your business, your health, your finances and your relationships.
  4. Stress-test these ideas over the course of several weeks to make sure you find inspiration over the long haul.
  5. Commit.
  6. Post them on a goal board and look at them every day.
  7. Build your quarterly initiatives around the biggest opportunities/"low hanging fruit" available in the now.

Some struggle with where to start, especially with how to start the "thinking process.” "Thinking" is just the process of answering questions that you pose to yourself. Start with the following questions to get the creative juices flowing:

  1. How do I want to live?
  2. Who do I want to become?
  3. If we were having this discussion 3 years from today and we were looking back over those 3 years, what would have had to happen in your life, both personally and professionally, for you to feel happy with your progress? (The Dan Sullivan Question)

If you ask these questions of yourself and if you answer them honestly, you'll gain clarity.

What will it cost you to go through this process? Nothing.

What type of impact will it have on you and your business? Huge impact.

How hard is it to implement? Easy.

The starting point for a “Happy Agent” is feeling productive and being in full alignment with a higher vision. Finding your “WHY” is just the process of identifying and committing to that which drives you.