Be Brilliant at the Basics

On today's episode of my Monday Morning Pep Talk, my goal is to remind you of the importance of maintaining your focus on the "basics.” Kobe Bryant said that "the best don't get bored with the basics." I was reminded of his quote listening to a Rory Vaden Instagram reel this past week on my way to Day 2 of my first Ninja Installation. Having studied high performance daily, in one form or another, over the past decade plus, it sunk in that the best of the best, the "super achievers," the ELPs, are brilliant at the basics and they execute them with precise consistency.

Meanwhile, many of you are searching for that next new thing that will motivate you or give you the edge. Trust me, it doesn't exist. The only thing that will give you the edge or motivate you stared at you in the mirror this morning. Like I mentioned earlier, I participated in my first Ninja Installation last week and I watched Melanie Frank teach the class brilliantly. As I listened to her present the Ninja 9 and other Ninja principles, I wished I had experienced those 4 days in 2008 because it would have saved me a decade of having to learn many of those basic principles on my own. Many of you listening have attended a Ninja Installation and I want to ask you a question: On a scale of 1-10, how consistent have you been with the Ninja 9 since you took the course (10 being a master NINJA, 1 being that there is a layer of dust on your course materials)?

Ninja is the epitome of "the basics" necessary to be successful in the world of real estate brokerage. That next new thing, for some of you, might be dusting off your Ninja planner, reinstalling your NINJA mindset and getting to work.

Surprisingly, we only have 7 MMPTs remaining in 2022 and I'll focus these sessions on the areas that I perceive to be the "basics" required to be an ELP in real estate brokerage. The sessions will focus on the areas of:

  1. Mindset
  2. Execution/Planning
  3. Expressing Gratitude (Week of Thanksgiving)
  4. Daily Habits and Routines
  5. Guiding Principles
  6. Client Focus and Hospitality
  7. Financial Literacy

These are broad topics and I could spend hours talking about each one, but the goal will be for me to take you into 2023 with a lot to think about and an understanding that those brokers who are "super achievers" got there because they...

  1. Searched for the "basics" through self-development
  2. Identified their "basics" through trial and error
  3. Mastered the "basics" through consistent effort

There is a probably a lot on your mind as you are listening to this podcast or reading my weekly email. Times of transition have a funny way of stirring up deep thoughts and self-reflection. I get it. Q4 has always been a time where I have had to dig deep, measure my progress and plan for what is coming next. The reason I am focused on this set of topics to wrap up 2022 is that I truly feel that those of you who dig deep and are "brilliant at the basics" in 2023 will see an entirely different level in your business and life that you didn't even imagine possible.

If you put in the consistent effort over the next 9 to 12 months planting seeds and executing consistently, you will marvel at the harvest bounty you will start to experience throughout 2023, 2024 and beyond. It's mathematically impossible for you not to win if you are "brilliant at the basics.” Over the next 7 weeks, I will give you all you need to win. But, to be successful you will need to ask yourself another question: Am I committed or am I interested? Thriving in 2023 will require an extreme amount of commitment. If you are just "interested", expect struggle.