Week 13 Explained

On this week's Monday Morning Pep Talk, we'll officially start the process of transitioning from Q3 2022 to Q4 2022. This week, the final week of September, is a "Week 13." In the 12 Week Year business planning model, you take this final week of the quarter to wrap up any loose ends towards your Q3 2022 plan and finalize your top initiatives for Q4. Your Q4 execution plan will be vital to how successful your 2023 will play out. On this call, I'll take you through the entire roadmap that you can use on every "Week 13.” It's proven. It's simple.

First, a quick review of the "12 Week Year" business planning strategy based on the book written by Brian Moran:

  1. Create or Recommit to your 3 Year Vision.  Your goals are your goals.  Do not focus on others and what you feel others’ expectations are of you or what you feel the industry's expectations are for you.  If you haven't created your 3-year vision, (3YV) start there.  Dan Sullivan has this question:  "If we were having this discussion 3 years from today and we were looking back over those 3 years, what would have had to happen in your life, both personally and professionally, for you to feel happy with your progress?" Great question. This whole process is about answering that question.
  2. Create a quarterly initiative that supports your 3-year vision.  What is the low hanging fruit?  More on this in a bit.
  3. Take your quarterly initiative and break it down into 12 separate "to-do’s."  One for each week of the quarter.
  4. Commit to winning the week. Develop a tracking mechanism to make sure you execute on your weekly promises to yourself.
  5. Execute.
  6. Identify an accountability partner and have a "WAM" meeting every week.
  7. Each quarter has a 13th week. Take the last week of every quarter to celebrate your successes that quarter. If you have not yet read "The Gap and the Gain" by Dan Sullivan with Dr. Benjamin Hardy, read it. Learn to measure backwards. You'll also take this week to finalize your initiatives for the next quarter.

Don't question these concepts, just execute.  They work.

As you are identifying your quarterly initiative, you'll want to take the following few things into consideration:

  1. Start with elimination. Eliminate the anchors. Guiding Principle: High Performance Starts with Elimination.
  2. Once you've eliminated bad habits, issues that are getting in your way of high performance, lead generation strategies that don't work, etc, then it’s time to move on to opportunities. Many times, those opportunities are lead generation and database/relationship management strategies that already work for you. Commit to more of that!
  3. Improve your skills. Read, network, talk to others, test new strategies.  You do not wade into #3, until you've done #1, and then #2.

As you go through this process and you are looking for ideas, re-listen to the following sessions I did this summer.  The low hanging fruit is normally what you wake up thinking about. Those sessions are linked below:

Episode #157:  "Are You Open for Business"

Episode #159:  "How Many Clients Are In Your Top 100?"

Episode #160:  "Pump the Well"

Episode #161:  "The Lowest Common Denominator Business Strategy"

Episode #164:  "Why Do Happy Brokers Sell More Real Estate?"

Commit to reading or re-reading the following books this quarter:

"The 12 Week Year" by Brian Moran

"The Gap and the Gain" by Dan Sullivan with Dr. Benjamin Hardy

"The Psychology of Money" by Morgan Housel

"The Compound Effect" by Darren Hardy

"The Go-Giver" by Bob Burg

Team, I just laid out a road map that will mean thousands and thousands of dollars for you in Q4 and 2023 if you commit to it. Does it seem difficult? It shouldn't. Many of you think that you have to experience severe "pain" to be successful. If I've learned one thing over the last 15 years, it’s how simple being successful (your definition) can be if you have a plan and execute on that plan. I've been amazed by the simplicity. You just have to get up every day and execute. What's interesting is that many people avoid this process because they think it is too much work all while they work away on things that don't matter and they never get off the treadmill as they move along working inefficiently, wasting a lot of time and energy. They hope things get better. Guiding Principle:  Hope Is Not an Action Plan.

Review this roadmap and jump on the train at whatever junction you are currently standing. It's that simple. This strategy works in any market, including the one we are currently experiencing.

Make this week your most powerful and productive WEEK 13 you've ever had. If you haven't started the 12 Week Year process, take all of Q4 2022 to implement it. Start by reading the book.

The updated 2023 "Take Flight" manual is available now. Your sights should be fully shifted now towards 2023 and finishing 2022 in a strong fashion. Momentum is so important in transitioning markets.

For those of you on my email list, you'll get the recording, notes with links to supporting articles and podcasts and tomorrow morning. If you'd like to subscribe, go to my Instagram handle @askjimmiller and in the profile link, you can easily sign up for the weekly coaching content.