Why Do Happy Brokers Sell More Real Estate?

In this pep talk, I'll discuss exactly what I mean by "Happy Brokers Sell More Real Estate" and when I say "happy," I mean happy with their businesses and how it impacts the rest of their lives.

Don't think for a minute that "Happy Brokers" are passive. They are not. They are incredibly intentional and strategic as to how the execute their life and business. They live a life and run a business through guiding principles. Guiding principles are a set of rules, boundaries and decision-making filters that eliminate inefficiencies and bad choices. Can a broker get rid of all of the stress that comes from being in real estate brokerage?  Absolutely not, but they can insulate themselves from some of the unneeded and self-inflicted stress. Being a real estate broker is stressful. It's tough.  It's emotionally draining and that is the exact reason "why" we are still in business. It takes human, emotional intelligence to get a transaction between two principals across the finish line. If it was easy, we'd already be out of business looking for a different career. If it was easy there would be more than a 10% success rate with agents after the first year. The other 90% quit because making a living in this business is incredibly difficult.

Saying all of that, does a broker have to give their whole soul to the business to "earn" their commissions? NO.

I've had the pleasure of a front row seat watching successful brokers completely flip this narrative. I've seen them increase their production and their profitability by making their happiness and the authentic success of their clients their top two priorities. Okay, so you're asking yourself, "yeah, Jim, that would be great but I just don't see it." Well, let me give you a few areas that these brokers have improved which has allowed them to optimize their income while being able to put more focus on living their lives. That's how I define "Happiness" in real estate brokerage. It's finding a way to fit your business into your life, not trying to fit your life into your business.

If this sounds like a strategy that interests you, let me give you 15 areas that I've identified that can move you closer to a balanced life and help you provide a better experience for your clients:

  1. Happy brokers create goals where they have full control of the results. They are competitive but do not live or die by leaderboards at all costs.
  2. Happy brokers execute the long game. They have a vision that they can taste, smell, hear, feel and see before it becomes reality.
  3. Happy brokers build and manage a relationship based business. They work with clients that want to work with them. It becomes predictable and enjoyable for them.
  4. Happy brokers add capacity before it is needed and have the patience to build their team the right way.
  5. Happy brokers know their superpower and find ways to keep it a focus.
  6. Happy brokers do not reinvent the wheel. They create the process once, improve it and execute on consistently.
  7. Happy brokers create boundaries and stick by them. They know the answers to questions before they are asked.
  8. Happy brokers compartmentalize the craziness of the business and don't internalize it. They execute.
  9. Happy brokers interview potential clients and they know when to say NO. They realize their most valuable asset (time) depends on it.
  10. Happy brokers build in down time as a business strategy. They realize the importance of REST. They understand the importance of sleep.
  11. Happy brokers know how to transition from real estate broker to spouse, partner, friend, father, mother, brother, sister.
  12. Happy brokers protect the downside as it relates to their relationships, their health and their finances.
  13. Happy brokers know when to hit the reset button. They hit it often.
  14. Happy brokers are always learning. Self-development is a daily ritual.
  15. Last but not least, they are grateful. The process is difficult but when they "figure it out," these brokers become incredibly grateful.

How do you know when you are there? Your business becomes something that gives not takes. It's the gratitude that helps attract more good stuff.  Team, this is not a pipe dream (an unattainable hope or scheme). It's a choice and it takes a long time to master it, but it's well worth the effort. If you are consistently sick and tired of your business all of the time, you are telling the universe that you don't want more. This isn't woo woo, this is proven through quantum physics. You attract whatever frequency you are logged onto. Once you buy into this proven scientific concept, you will change how you manage your mindset and operate your business. If your north star is building a business that gives not takes, you will create that happiness that I am referencing in today's call.

Will it solve all of your problems? NO. But will it make life easier to live? Yes.

Try logging onto that frequency and see what happens.

In the coming days and weeks, you will start your business planning for Q4 2022 and/or 2023 so I want to give you some "food for thought" today to help you build out those plans. Is it possible that if you built your business with your "happiness" as the main metric, you'd actually sell more real estate? Yes, 100% and you will sell more and you won't recognize your life this time next year.

For those of you on my email list, you'll get the recording, notes with links to supporting articles and podcasts and tomorrow morning. If you'd like to subscribe, just email my team at [email protected] and we'll add you.