“Shift” by Gary Keller

Shift by Gary Keller is worthy of a read or re-read if you struggling with how to navigate a shifting market like the one we're entering.

Many of us used this book during the deep housing recession of 2008 as our guide to navigate that extremely difficult market where there was an dramatically limited number of buyers and an abundance of overleveraged sellers.

While the shift in today’s market is much different, many of the strategies in Keller's book still apply. I highly recommend this as book to read prior to entering the fall market.


Put your business into another gear—shift!

Change your thinking, your focus, your actions and ultimately, your results. SHIFT explains how to get back in the game and ahead of the competition, specifically in a changing market. The tactics that jump-start the real estate business in tough times will power it forward in good times.

This bestseller explores 12 proven strategies for achieving success in any real estate market including:
• Master the Market of the Moment: Short sales, foreclosures, and REOs.
• Create Urgency: Overcoming buyer reluctance.
• Re-margin your Business: Expense management.
• Find the Motivated: Effective lead generation.
• Expand the Options: Creative financing.