Success Requires Review and Reflection

In this content, I will lay out the importance of building time into your schedule to rewind, review and relax. The next 2 weeks, because of the 4th of July holiday,  might just be the best time in recent memory to review your business, your life and what you've learned over the last 2 years. Some of you just completed my Take Flight course and came away with strategies that can be implemented to take advantage of the opportunities that will present themselves in this shifting market.  We are starting Week 13 of the 2022 Q2, 12 Week Year cycle which suggests that we should be reviewing our results of the previous 12 weeks, celebrate our accomplishments over that period of time and prepare to launch into 2022, Q3.


Darren Hardy put out a video last week called "Darren's Economic Outlook" which on one hand was sobering and on the other hand eye opening.  My big take away from the video was that in every down cycle in the economy there is the 90/10 loser to winner fallout. 90% of people and businesses stall, get hammered or go bust while 10% boom.  He gives so many examples of how this rule has played out over the years.   It's time to prepare for this new market (normalized), adapt to the current reality and innovate to create market share.  All of this takes time in thought and a shift in mindset.


Success requires review and reflection.


Here's a list of questions you can ask yourself over the coming 2 weeks:

  1. Am I better off than 1 year ago today?  If so, what has changed?  If not, what would I do differently?
  2. Have I mentally shifted to the changes in the market and what it will require to be successful?
  3. Do I have systems and processes in place for all areas of my business?
  4. Do I live a life that is in flow?  Do I have productive habits and routines?
  5. Is my business predictable and enjoyable?
  6. What strategies have I put off that need to be implemented?
  7. Am I threatened to be in the 90% that stall, get hammered or go bust or am I poised to be in the 10% that will boom?
  8. Am I interested?  Or am I committed?


This past week,  I challenged 100 Jameson agents, during my first "Take Flight" course in nearly 3 years, to fully commit to their 3 year vision once and for all. Over the course of 5+ hours, I explained to them that they could get their business to 30,000 feet no matter the market, if the "4 Engines of Take Flight"  are all functioning and working together.  These engines consist of:

  1. Engine 1:  "Ideal Day" -  Do you have daily habits and rituals in place to allow you to play on offense not defense?
  2. Engine 2:  "The 3 Rocks of Marketing" -  which 3 lead generation strategies have worked for you in the past?  Identify those and recommit.
  3. Engine 3:  "Deliver and Leverage" -  I challenged them to deliver such a valuable experience during the transaction that the 1 transaction would turn into 3.
  4. Engine 4:  "Database and Relationship Management" - maintain systems and processes that create meaningful touches and conversations with your Top 100 over the course of the year.


The point I made was if those 4 areas of your business are all functioning and working in tandem,  you will not need to worry about your income in any market.  I proved it in 2008 to 2013 when I doubled my business 4 out of those 5 years during the heart of a recession that drastically impacted real estate. I developed and executed these strategies during that time.  MY MMPT's have cascaded off  these 4 areas since I started them 7 years ago.   The fact is that you cannot get to 30,000 feet, pull the engines back and cruise without having all 4 engines working together to provide that lift and thrust into your business.  You can't get there with just 1, 2 or 3 engines providing that power.


Ninja Selling and "The 12 Week Year" planning strategy gives the perfect way to work on the areas of your life and business (Engines)  that need immediate attention.  Which engine or engines are not working?  Focus on those.  On Episode #151 "Not All Action is Created Equal",  I detailed exactly how to select the areas of your business to focus on during Q3.  I'd suggest that you go back and listen to that call.


To perform at 30,000 feet,  you have to take time in thought.  You have to review where you are right now and where you are going.   You must take time to reflect and the next 2 weeks are perfect for just that.   The vast majority of consumers involved actively in the real estate market will most likely take a breather and when they start to re-engage around the weekend after the 4th,  you'll want to come back ready to execute on your 12 weekly initiatives for Q3.


In summary,  take the next 2 weeks to review and reflect knowing that Q3, 2022 could be one of the most important quarters you've experienced in your business.  Make sure take time to fully power down and relax.  The ability to do this is a big part of high performance. I am confident that those that of you that execute over the coming months will be part of that group of 10% that boom and benefit from the current shift. I have no doubt that you will take market share and that you'll look back in a year and not recognize your business.  All of this is the opportunity is right there in front of you.


I'll be back with you in 2 weeks.  You'll be able to find this on Apple Podcast searchable under Ask Jim Miller.  For those of you on my email list, you'll get the recording, notes with links to supporting articles and podcasts and tomorrow morning.  If you'd like to subscribe, just email my team at [email protected] and they'll add you.