The 3% Mindset

On this episode, I want to go a little bit deeper into the most under-utilized, powerful asset we have at our disposal to live an amazing life and build an enjoyable and predictable business - the mind.


The mind, just like software, is programmable. It is up to the individual to consciously program their mind and it can be programmed through the books we read (or don't read), the people we have in our immediate circle and the types of media we consume on a daily basis. There is no easy path to reach our vision and it takes intentional effort and a plan to achieve it. Studies (Harvard MBA study of 1979) have shown that 84% of people have no goals and no plans of action, 13% have goals but no documented plans, only 3% have goals and written plans of action to live the life they want to live and become the person they want to become. 


This study demonstrated 10 years later that the 3% made 10x more in revenue than that of the remaining 97% combined. The 3% we refer to as an ELP (elite level producer).  This is why I beat the drum so loudly for a planning process like the #12weekyear process.


What does the plan of an ELP consist of? It's starts with a commitment and a shift in mindset. As an ELP chases a goal/vision with a plan of action, it learns things along the way that are crucial to the long term trajectory of the ELP's life and business. For today, let's refer to it as the 3% mind. The 3% mind layers in philosophies and actions, unrelenting execution and seeks out others with experience and mentorship. Let me give you some of those characteristics I've uncovered that makes the 3% mind unique:

  1. The 3% mind is hyper-focused on its vision. It can see the finish line in technicolor.
  2. The 3% mind most likely suffered some form of personal, physical or financial trauma. Because of this, the 3% mind creates disciplined action to get as far away from that moment in time as much as it is focused on being inspired by a vision. As the 3% mind nears is vision, it realizes that that time in its life was a big reason for its current success.
  3. The 3% mind focuses on the long game in making every decision.  How is this going to impact me in 1 year, 3 years or 10 years instead of today, next week, next month or next quarter?
  4. The 3% mind lives via guiding principles that it has created. The GPs are true to their values and commitment to their family, friends, colleagues and clients.
  5. The 3% mind understands that it cannot remember everything. It builds systems, processes, habits and routines to make up for personal weaknesses.
  6. The 3% mind is a giver but has to be taught how to receive.  Once they learn the energy loop of giving and receiving, only then will they enter the 3%.
  7. The 3% mind looks at relationships as its #1 asset.
  8. The 3% mind focuses on itself, not others and wins by not competing.
  9. The 3% mind is self-aware.  It knows when to power down and recharge. It understands that a clear mind and healthy body is essential to maintaining its 3% mindset.
  10. The 3% mind focuses on the "cause" not the "effect. It's realizes if it does certain things consistently over a long period of time, the results are mathematically certain.
  11. The 3% mind covets calm not drama. It makes "it" look easy because of the guiding principles firmly planted into its day to day.
  12. The 3% mind realizes that it will only perform at the level of its self-development.
  13. The 3% mind has an answer before the question is asked.  (boundaries)
  14. The 3% mind is not impacted by shifts.  Confidence has been created by well thought out plans and execution.
  15. The 3% mind focuses on getting 1% better every day.

I think you can see through these statements the amount of work, patience, time and experience it takes to play at the 3% level.  I say that in an encouraging way to say "it is all worth it" to build your life and business the right way from the beginning.  You can try other routes but your desire to be special will bring you back to these concepts whether it is 3 years from now, 5 years from now, 10 years from or maybe 25 years from now. These principles have survived the test of time (yes, I'm old school). Most people will never hear them explained the way you've heard them explained today.


Before holiday weeks or weekends, I like to drop a call that is a tad more philosophical in nature. Each one of these 15 statements of the 3% mind requires further thought on your part. Take some time over the next 2 weeks and give 5 minutes of thought to each. You'll appreciate that time with yourself.  "Thinking Time" is a powerful strategy in and of itself.


We're back at it in 2 weeks. Have a great holiday weekend.


My weekly email will be out tomorrow with the recording (there is always more content on the recording as I routinely go off script), my notes with links off my notes to other MMPTs. If you are not getting my email, you can email me at [email protected] and my team will add you. Have a great week.