Your January 2022 Survival Guide

My professional purpose is to help you, the broker, optimize your productivity and help you become the best version of yourself.  Why?  "Because Happy Brokers Sell More Real Estate.” I do that by helping you handle challenges and opportunities that you face every day. If you can effectively manage certain situations that arise on a daily basis in your business, you'll be more productive and live a life that is the best version of you.

Today, I will give you a reality check shortly after the calendar switched from 2021 to 2022.

The first week is always a challenging period of time for some. The calendar has just flipped from 2021 to 2022 as a reminder that you have to "climb the mountain" all over again.  Your social feeds are full of the accomplishments of your peers not just in your brokerage but other brokerages locally and nationally.  All of it can allow, if not watched closely, the brain to create negativity. That's what the brain does. Its job is to keep you safe and in the status quo which is code for "safe.” It wants you to retreat back to your old way of thinking. Don't do it. You spent a lot of time in the fall creating your 3-year vision and getting excited about it.

So why am I discussing this topic today?  Well, I've had so many conversations with agents this week that set off warning bells, so I knew I needed to talk about it. Here is just a sampling of the types of conversations I've had in the first 9 days of January:

  1. "Yeah, I had an amazing year, but it could have been so much better."
  2. "Did you see what _________ did last year in production? I'll never hit that."
  3. "Jim, where am I going to be on the leaderboard at the end of the year.  Ugh,  my December sucked."
  4. "I had my best year ever.  I'm not sure I can do it again.  Jim, how do I keep the momentum?"
  5. "That person started the same year I did and they are doing so much better than me."
  6. "I missed my goal by $200,000. Ugh. If only that one deal had closed like it was supposed to."
  7. "I love, love, love my 3-year vision, but my current situation is really difficult."

So, you've probably heard some of the same things yourself from friends and colleagues.  It's natural but at the same time if you want to evolve into an extremely happy person and broker, I've got your January 2022 Survival Guide I want to discuss today. Consider the following 7 ideas to create a higher level of happiness:

  1. Reminder:  Your primary scoreboard should never be an external scoreboard that you cannot control. This would include leaderboards, production standings etc.  In our business, you will naturally pay attention to these standings but use them as fuel to hit your professional and personal goals not as a measure of how you feel about yourself. This is why I love NET WORTH as my primary scoreboard. I can control it by increasing my income while monitoring my spending and limiting my debt.
  2. If a colleague had an amazing year, congratulate them for where they are on their journey.  Don't question what they did to get there. They battled through their own challenges.  Make it your goal to learn from everyone.  Sometimes, you'll learn what not to do or how you don't want to operate as much as what vibes with you.  Everyone is at different stages of their career.  This business takes time so don't compare yourself to someone who has been at it way longer.
  3. You are who you are.  Your goals are your goals.  Your vision is your vision. Stay focused on that and don't let external pressures get you off your path.
  4. Stay focused on the process. (4 business plans per year, 12 weeks per quarter, 5 working days per week and the weekend.)  Chunk it down.  Start by winning each day.
  5. Personal growth will create friction and stress in the early stages of your journey. Your vision will not match your reality and it's emotionally draining. Get into action. Review your vision with obsession. Don't let your brain talk you out of how you want to live and who you want to become.
  6. For someone who has been at this for a while and been through multiple "vision cycles," my suggestion is to enjoy the journey.  I think back fondly of those moments that were tough, but they were also vital in creating who I am today.
  7. If you are someone who is highly evolved and flying at "32,000 feet,” take the time to help others get there with you.  Fully commit to a team member or another broker you see that reminds you of who you were in a "former life." There is nothing more rewarding than bringing people with you for the ride.

Bonus Tip: CELEBRATE. In the "12 Week Year," the 13th week should be set aside to celebrate, renew, recharge, plan and prepare. Agents suck at celebrating their progress. Trust me, to be highly evolved, you need to celebrate consistently and build it into your calendars to celebrate your milestones with your family and team.

Okay… I feel better. I had to get that off my chest. Remember, you are where you are right now because of the mindset, habits, boundaries, routines and decisions you've made up to this point. The beauty is that you can shift all of those areas of your life today. I didn't say it was going to be easy but those of you who execute will not recognize yourself this time next year.

So, if you have been feeling this way, print this out, re-listen, reprogram your mind and your priorities. You can follow my content primarily on my Instagram at @askjimmiller, my Apple podcast, and my all of the resources on my website.

Have an amazing week.