When You See Consistency, You’ll Find This

My professional purpose is to help you, the broker, optimize your productivity and help you become the best version of yourself.  Why?  "Because Happy Brokers Sell More Real Estate.” I do that by helping you handle challenges and opportunities that you face every day.  If you can effectively manage certain situations that arise on a daily basis in your business, you'll be more productive and live a life that is the best version of you.

Today, I want to explain the difference between brokers who are consistent in their effort and those who are not. Those that are consistent execute specifically designed systems, processes, habits and routines.

The reality is that I've seen brokers with less "talent" produce at a high level because they are consistent in their efforts. In every case, that consistency is supported by a system, process, habit or routine.  They don't necessarily work harder than others, in fact, in most cases they don't. They put the time in up front and built their systems, processes, habits and routines and they execute them every day.  These systems, processes, habits and routines support the most important parts of their business especially as it relates to business development. They don't make client contact just when their pipeline is low and they need to drum up business. They have a process that keeps that flow of activity pulsing through their business.

The powerful thing about being consistent is that it creates an aura around you and your business that you can be trusted, that you will be there when needed and can relied on to handle a transaction. For you, the broker, it takes away stress. When you have systems, processes, habits and routines to support your business, you sleep better at night. You know down deep that if you just execute, the business will be there. You don't worry about the how and if. Getting up and hoping the phone will ring is not a process. Remember, "Hope is not an action plan."

So, the question I get the most on this topic is "How can I be more consistent? I don't want peaks and valleys in my business."

Here are 5 systems, processes, habits and routines that you can start to implement right now that will solve this challenge for you:

  1. Commit to a Morning Ritual:  To be successful in this business, you need to play on offense not defense. To play on offense you need to get a jump on your day.
  2. Use Outlook or G-Suite to schedule all recurring appointments and tasks.
  3. Plan Your Week on Sundays. Review the previous week and move all unfinished items onto a task management process to pull forward into the coming week. Set your schedule to tackle all important tasks and follow up items.
  4. Plan Your Day during your Morning Ritual.  (My planning strategy explained)
  5. Execute Your DayEvery Day.

Bonus Tip: When you can't do it all yourself following a strategy like this, it's time to scale your business by leveraging talent.

If you do not have an execution strategy like the one I just explained, commit to it during your next "12-Week Year" quarterly business planning phase or start right now. These 5 simple areas of focus will revolutionize your business and I don't say that lightly. I would implode if I didn't follow them daily.

Next week, I'll discuss another process on how to prioritize what is an essential using the "Focus Funnel" process I learned from an author by the name of Rory Vaden.

So, if you have been feeling a lack of consistency in your business and life, re-listen to this episode and take the time to evaluate your systems, processes, habits and routines. You can follow my content primarily on my Instagram at @askjimmiller,  Apple podcast and here on my website askjimmiller.com.

Have an amazing week.