This Is How You Will Win 2022

My professional purpose is to help you, the broker, optimize your productivity and help you become the best version of yourself.  Why?  "Because Happy Brokers Sell More Real Estate.” I do that by helping you handle challenges and opportunities that you face every day.  If you can effectively manage certain situations that arise on a daily basis in your business, you'll be more productive and live a life that is the best version of you.

Today, I will explain what it will take to create momentum in the first week of the year so you can win the quarter, win 2022, and hit your 3-year vision.

Today, we officially kick off 2022 and despite all of the craziness in our world, I feel a sense of optimism and hopefully you do too. Many of you had a breakout year 2021!  Congratulations!  Isn't fun to come off a period of time where you can "see" the possibilities?  With that sense of optimism, there should come a dose of reality and a pinch of caution.

In 2021, we saw off-the-charts demand, super low inventory, historically low interest rates, lots of cash and availability to funds giving us a market that we might only see once or twice in a life time.

You will most likely see the 2021 market push into 2022, with the traditional first-time homebuyers starting to get priced out by midyear because of the predicted rise in interest rates and continued lack of inventory. The high end of the market, in my opinion, will continue on longer as those with cash will continue to buy real estate and other tangible assets as a hedge vs inflation.  Also, the 90 trillion that baby boomers have accumulated in their lifetimes will start to flow to their heirs while other speculative investments like Crypto will produce instant wealth for some speculators. In most markets, the biggest issue will continue to be the lack of inventory. All of these areas I just mentioned will require professionalism and hard work by the broker to survive future markets.  As 2021 proved, being a real estate broker is not easy money. Being a broker in this environment can put lots of pressure on families, your health and your happiness if you are not intentional about how you operate.

Knowing this, how do you "Win in 2022?" Here are 7 ideas and concepts that you will need to master to build a "consistent" business that is enjoyable and predictable:

  1. Start by winning this week.  Everyone has been talking about 2022 in its entirety over the last couple of days. I get that, but now what? Well, the work begins. Take your quarterly goal that you built out in Q4 of 2021 and focus on just winning this week. Coming off a "No Fly Zone,” it's all about creating momentum right out of the gate.
  2. If you haven't done so already, take your quarterly goal and chunk it down into weekly goals or "to-do's." I lost 23 lbs in 2021 by just focusing on losing 1 lb a week. I did that by burning 250 calories extra a day, consuming 250 less giving me a 500 calorie a day burn rate.  500 calories x 7 days = 3,500 calories, which = 1 pound. I did that over 23 weeks between February and July. It wasn't a diet. It was a change in lifestyle.
  3. Track whatever it is that you are expecting out of yourself.  That's what a goal is right?  Now track that expectation you put on yourself.
  4. Understand that no one will ever operate at 100% execution all of the time.  Focus on 85% or higher. People quit on their goals when they think that they have to be 100% all of the time.
  5. Habit stack.  Go back and read "Atomic Habits" by James Clear.  Learn to create lifestyle habits and stack them on top of each other.
  6. Create and maintain the "long game" mindset.  Studies show that 43% will give up on their goals by February. This is why building 4 quarterly business plans per year is so powerful.  You have a much smaller chance to quit if your deadline is closer and your goal attainment more immediate. The "long game" consists of stacking winning quarters on top of each other, 12 times in a row to help you hit your 3 Year Vision.
  7. Don't question these concepts, just execute. I've been testing them now for 13 years and they work for everyone who has the desire and commitment to stay the course.

So, if you've been listening to my calls/podcast for a while, you'll notice that I didn't mention anything new here and that's by design. Success and meeting your goals are not sexy. There will be no new shiny things that come along that will save you from yourself. The battle is and always will be with yourself not the competition. Once you create the momentum that leads to the success you desire, you'll find yourself addicted to the process. Becoming addicted to the process means you've created a success mindset and have built the necessary lifestyle habits needed to win 2022.

For those of you that have used the tracking methods I've created for myself over the years, I've updated them for 2022 and put them here on my website for your consumption. If you are a Jameson agent, they are already sitting in your inbox. You'll find the 2022 Flight Manual, my daily and weekly tracking forms. My 2022 Reading Lists are updated and posted on there as well.  You can download them and print them off. They can also be found on my Instagram profile at @askjimmiller.


Team, thank you!  Happy New Year!  I'm excited to see all of you thrive in 2022!