2021 Revisited – Ten Steps to Build Your Business

My professional purpose is to help you, the broker, optimize your productivity and help you become the best version of yourself.  Why?  Because happy brokers sell more real estate.   I do that by helping you handle challenges and opportunities that you face every day.  If you can effectively manage certain situations that arise on a daily basis in your business,  you'll be more productive and live a life that is the best version of you.

Today, I want to give you my step-by-step process on how to build a real estate brokerage business, really any business for that matter.  As we wrap up 2021, I want these final 2 MMPTs to be calls you can put on repeat.  They will be teaching moments full of strategy.  Next week I'll give you my "guiding principals," the guard rails I've identified, developed and used over the years.

...but today, I want to take you through the steps, the episodes, you should use to get to your vision.  Why do I use the word "episode?"

  • Step 1:  Create Clarity - How do you want to live?  Who do you want to be?  "Visioneer" with Intention.
  • Step 2:  Eliminate. -  High performance starts with elimination.
  • Step 3:  Take Inventory - who are your clients?
  • Step 4:  Develop Your Habits, Systems and Processes - Periodization
  • Step 5:  Execute with Obsession - 85% is better than 100%
  • Step 6:  Decide Who You Are - Create Your Niche - Barbara Corcoran method
  • Step 7:  Build Your Brand.  Go Narrow and Deep.  Be a voracious learner.
  • Step 8:  Surround Yourself w Like Minded Individuals
  • Step 9:  Pivot, Invest, Scale, Protect. - Ask yourself, "What is enough?"
  • Step 10:  Review, Maintain, Repeat

Steps 9 and 10 might be the hardest to master.   You get a taste of success and you think more is better, you make bad decisions and that's normally when the wheels come off.

Team, with this episodic approach to building a business, you can use it to create your build/tweak your 3-year vision, build out your quarterly initiatives and keep you focused on what phase of your business that you are currently residing.

You can expect that this will take at least 1 if not 2 full vision cycles to complete (3-6 years) but when done with intention, you will not recognize your life or your business.  Fact. It's proven.  I've got too many case studies to show you that proves my point.

Who do you want to be?  How do you want to live?  You and only you can decide that but also, you and only you can put the work in to make it happen.

Thank you, team.  Find this podcast downloaded to Apple Podcast searchable under Ask Jim Miller, it'll be on my website askjimmiller.com and the best place to follow the content is on my Instagram @askjimmiller.