Less Is More

My professional purpose is to help you, the broker, optimize your productivity and help you become the best version of yourself. Why? Because happy brokers sell more real estate. I do that by helping you handle challenges and opportunities that you face every day. If you can effectively manage certain situations that arise on a daily basis in your business, you'll be more productive and live a life that is the best version of you.

Today, I want to help you understand different 3 ways where "less is more" in your business and in your life.  You should start the "12 Week process" by detoxifying off annualized thinking which can create the agonizing feeling that you have to "start over" every year.  By breaking down your year into 4 deadlines instead of 1, you rid your psyche of that painful (for some) transition every year.  By concentrating on "less" in a shorter period of time, you will actually help create significantly "more" of what you want.  As you are building out your quarterly goals, consider the following areas to focus on for a 12 week initiative:

  1. Your Business
      • Put more emphasis on those clients that support your business at the highest level. Do you really need 100 in your Top 100?
      • Find a CRM that works for you?  The CRM that works for you is the best CRM.
      • Focus on what you excel at within you business. What is your niche? What are you really known for?
      • Create systems and processes that "multiply" your time.  Create it once and be done.
      • Outsource those things that are below your "income per hour" goal.
      • Tighten up your boundaries as it relates to lead generation and repeat business.
  1. Your Environment

I want to quote Rodicka Tchi from a July 2019 published article she wrote for “The Spruce.” She describes clutter this way:

"Clutter is low, stagnant, and confusing energy that constantly drains energy from you. Depending on the area of your home where your clutter is located, it can also negatively influence, or even completely block, the flow of energy and events in many areas of your life. The reason most people avoid clearing the clutter is because it takes effort and it can be time-consuming. The real reason is the fact that clutter clearing is a very emotional process that feels like therapy, so yes, it takes emotional stamina to go through it."

"Once you clear most of your clutter with feng shui and have a clear system to avoid its accumulation in the future, you will start experiencing high energy levels, more clarity, and a heightened sense of well-being.”

 3. Your Circle of Influence

"You are the average of the Top 5 people you spend the most time with". - Jim Rohn

Ask yourself, who are you spending time with that elevates your game? Spend more time with them. Build an accountability group and meet briefly once a week. (WAM)

While you're at it, who brings you down and doesn't believe or support the vision and version of you that you want to become? You should limit your time with them.

As I feel this is true, you also need to start considering more carefully your digital friends. I heard the METAVERSE described as your digital presence will, in the not-so-distant future, have a higher impact on you than your personal reality.

Take the next few weeks to unsubscribe, unfollow and unfriend unhealthy relationships online as well. Not just people but businesses, news outlets and institutions.

So, imagine, going into 2022, you put your focus on "less" and put all of your time and effort into what you know works for you? Where would you be at the end of each quarter a year from now and 3 years from now?

"High Performance starts with Elimination" - Matthew McConaughey

I think some of us think that if we just do nothing, we'll hit a lucky streak that will solve all of our problems (HOPE) but the reality is:

What you don't change, you choose.

Success starts with a decision followed by commitment and then action.