I Am So Happy and Grateful

My professional purpose is to help you, the broker, optimize your productivity and help you become the best version of yourself.  Why?  Because happy brokers sell more real estate.   I do that by helping you handle challenges and opportunities that you face every day.  If you can effectively manage certain situations that arise on a daily basis in your business, you'll be more productive and live a life that is the best version of you.

Today, on this Monday before Thanksgiving, I want to discuss the importance of GRATITUDE in our daily lives and its impact on our overall performance and level of happiness.

I wanted to ask everyone a question:  Are you grateful for what you have?  The people in your life?  The opportunities that are in front of you?  How often do you take the time to really take a deep dive into gratitude?  Unfortunately, most of us don't spend near enough time in gratitude for everything that we have right in front of us.  I use this call right before Thanksgiving each year to remind myself and you the simple and profound power of gratitude.  Gratitude is a feeling that penetrates the deepest sections of our DNA and makes an immediate impact on energy field.  The brain waves created by gratitude and forgiveness have been proven to emit the most positive changes in brain wave activities of any other actions or emotions.  It's been proven but it doesn't answer the question for why a mindset championed by gratitude is not one of our most focused strategies.

There is so much talk about technology in today's world and our industry more specifically, right?  The ironic part of the story is that we have the most powerful operating system ever known right between our ears and few make the effort to use it.  The priming of the brain starts with picking a strategy that works for you.  Here are some strategies that have worked for some of you:

  1. Ninja Selling suggest writing down your affirmations 25x every morning.  If you ever have the opportunity, jump on one of Melanie Frank's installations.  Game changing.
  2. The "Six Phase Mediation" developed by Vishan Lakhiani introduces gratitude and forgiveness as 2 separate phases (From the "Code of the Extraordinary Mind")
  3. Some of you use yoga, meditation and thinking sessions to connect to your vision and remain centered.

In the fall of 2010, through curiosity and research, I found 2 virtual mentors, John Assaraf and Bob Proctor, that taught me some mind hacks that I've used every day since that period of time.  The strategies learned were paramount for my ability to power through my journey of the last decade plus.  Bob Proctor specifically talked about created an affirmation using the power of "I AM".  In 2010, I was willing to do anything and everything to keep my mind right.  I knew that there was no way that I could ever stay 100% positive but I took great comfort in knowing that I could still attract positive outcomes by staying at just a 51% positive frequency.  So, I created an affirmation that started with I AM and used the brewing of my first cup of coffee or a trip to Starbucks to mentally kick into it.  Many of you who have followed my MMPT's have heard it but I'll give it to you again today:

"I am so happy and grateful that money, success and introductions flow to me in ever increasing quantities and from a myriad of different sources for the betterment of all of those involved.  My life is perfect.  Every day, in every way, I'm getting better and better."

I've told myself this story 10's of 1000's of times almost in a way to self-medicate.  I knew that if I wanted to be successful, I had to keep my frequency at a 51% positive charge.  It's been a game changer.  I think in everyone's life, we get to the point where we have a real mental breakthrough and for me it was at age 42.  I decided to stop saying to myself the standard defaults:

  • "I am not worthy of nice things"
  • "I am too old to learn this stuff"
  • "I am never going to have that kind of success"
  • "I am not education enough to live the way I want to live"
  • "I am not from the right upbringing to play big"

That November day in 2010, I decided, having nothing to lose, that I was going to switch from super negative affirmations to " I am so happy and grateful... " When I did that, everything changed on a dime.  Call it woo woo if you want at your own peril. I've used it as a strategy to elevate everything in my life.  So, my hope is that you can take some time with yourself this week and get:

Grateful for what you’ve experienced in the past.
Grateful for today.
Grateful in advance for your vision which you've created and with the appropriate action, you will manifest.

Team, gratitude is a feeling, an energetic pulse not a task.  You can't just go through the motions.  It needs to vibrate through your body when you think about all you've got.

Team, have a wonderful holiday week and get some much-needed rest.  I am extremely grateful for each and every one of you, that's for sure.

Follow me on my Instagram (@askjimmiller) stories this week for more content on this topic.