Create Your Goal Board

My professional purpose is to help you, the broker, optimize your productivity and help you become the best version of yourself.  Why?  Because happy brokers sell more real estate.  I do that by helping you handle challenges and opportunities that you face every day.  If you can effectively manage certain situations that arise on a daily basis in your business, you'll be more productive and live a life that is the best version of you. 

Today, I want to take you through the process of building out your "Goal Board," an essential step in achieving your #3YearVision. First, I want to answer some of the questions I've been getting regularly as I've discussed this part of the #12weekyear process.

What is a #goalboard, Jim?

A #goalboard, similar to a vision board, is used to document your goals and guiding principles so that you can review them daily.  I made mine out of out a 17 x 21 foam board that I can easily pull out in the morning and review.  I review it every morning during my first cup of coffee.  It primes my brain for the steps I need to take to meet all of my goals I've set for myself for the upcoming 3 Year Vision cycle. I took all of my goals and using a Microsoft Word's appropriately sized font, printed them out and posted them towards the outer sides of the board. I use written word instead of pictures because it's more effective for me.  If you use pictures, you would refer to it as a vision board and that's a perfectly proven method for some people. I leave the middle section open so I can post my "quarterly Initiative" which I will switch out each 12-week cycle. You can use other methods to post your goals for daily review but for me personally, this method is effective and works for me.

Are there other options to document my #3YearVision?

Of course.  I just use a goal board because it is the most effective for me.  Some use whiteboards in their office while other use binders or screensavers.  The point I'm trying to make is that you have to have your 3YV documented and you have to review it every day.  The goal is to program your subconscious to be looking for the solutions to obtain your goals.

Why a #goalboard, Jim? 

The reason I created a goal board for myself, and I recommend that you do the same, is because I needed one place that I could post my goals that make up my 3-year vision. Your goals do not become real until you review them enough that you can recite them with ease when prompted. The only way you can do that it through continuous, daily review. Reviewing your goals daily is not a new concept. I first read of it years ago on my first pass through "Think and Grow Rich" written by Napoleon Hill.  Also, it seems simple, but if you don't write your goals down in one spot, you'll forget them and you'll go back to your old way of dancing around in circles and make no real change.

What should I post on my goal board?

Your goals are personal and should really move you to want to jump out of bed in the morning and to put in the necessary action to achieve them. Some words of caution, keep in mind that we work to live, not live to work so make sure your focus areas are created proportionally to address all parts of your life. Decide how you want to live and who you want to become and cascade off of those 2 questions.  Here are some topics that could be used to get you started.


  • Net worth - your assets minus your debt/liabilities
  • Dollar amount invested in SEP IRA
  • Dollar amount invested in brokerage accounts
  • Dollar amount in your "Financial Freedom" accounts.
  • Investment properties purchased and operating
  • specific budget items mentioned
  • All finances automated.
  • A complete financial plan built with the help of a financial advisor

Production/Business :

  • Total number of GCI earned during the full 3 year process
  • Total number of GCI earned each year during full 3 year process
  • Total number of production created in the total 3 year process
  • Total number of production created each year during full 3 year process.
  • Progress towards Top 100 and other relationship management and database management goals
  • Business niche and boundary goals documented


  • Health and Wellness goals
  • Travel goals/bucket list
  • home improvement goals
  • 2nd home purchased
  • culinary and wine education goals
  • Licensed in a second state


  • Read a defined number of books per quarter or during the 3YV
  • a secondary education degree
  • develop routines and habits that have eluded you
  • attend a Tony Robbins event or another in person self-development event

Now this #3YearVision goal setting process should take you ample time and thought to get right.  In fact, I've been working on mine for months primarily because I was building the process at the same time. Take your time and get it right. You, like me, will most likely change a few things out once you've posted them on your board.  I've been tweaking mine and feel like I am just about there.

Now that you've created your #goalboard posting your #3YearVision, you can focus on what you'll want to focus on during your first quarterly initiative. I brought up some questions last week that you could ask yourself to prompt ideas on where to start.  Go back and review those ideas. Start with your #3YearVision first and then launch into building out your first quarterly initiative.  Don't worry about other quarters for now. Get your goals documented and then start creating your plan.

Team, if you are serious about becoming a significantly improved version of yourself in 3 years, you cannot skip this step. You need a north star and you need a place that you can review it every day for max effectiveness.  To use one of my Take Flight metaphors, not having documented goals that are reviewed every day is like a plane taking off without a destination. Not smart.