Be A Champion – Fall Planning in Review

My professional purpose is to help you, the broker, optimize your productivity and help you become the best version of yourself. Why? Because happy brokers sell more real estate. I do that by helping you handle challenges and opportunities that you face every day.  If you can effectively manage certain situations that arise on a daily basis in your business, you'll be more productive and live a life that is the best version of you.

Today, we will wrap up our "Championships are Won in the 4th Quarter" fall business planning process by doing a complete book review of "The 12 Week Year" by Brian Moran and taking some of the highlights out of my recent MMPTs to pull together the operating strategy that I will use moving forward. Why?  Because it is a proven strategy. Every successful business owner picks a planning and operating strategy that provides a consistent, proven, and effective approach to goal attainment.

So WHY did I choose the 12WY Strategy as my operating system?

  1. It focuses on execution.  In the world of real estate brokerage, agents tend to chase the shiny penny and don't consistently focus on what really works.
  2. By ditching the traditional, annualized method of thinking and focusing on quarterly initiatives/goals, you are giving yourself 4 deadlines a year instead of 1. People get bored early using annual goal setting strategies, often leaving their business planning efforts in the top drawer of their desk where they go to never be seen again until the next planning season.
  3. You need a "North Star" focused on how you want to live and who you want to become to give you the emotional and mental energy needed to jump out of bed every morning to execute.  The 3 Year Vision long term planning strategy provides that.
  4. Your Vision picks your friends, picks your clients, pick what you eat and drink, picks the books you read, how you spend and the boundaries you create.
  5. It shows how to chunk time down from a 3YV, into quarters, weeks, and days. Time chunking has always been an effective strategy for me.
  6. It's a self-correcting system allowing you to pivot quicker, reload and get yourself back on track if needed.
  7. It's easier to start a winning streak. Winning creates confidence.
  8. Your business vision "FUNDS" your personal vision. "We work so we can live. We don't live so we can work."

So HOW do I execute on the 12WY strategy?

  1. Commit.  You cannot be just interested.  If you are just interested, you will not execute on it.  Trust me that this is the approach you need to get to the next level of your business and life.
  2. Once committed, you must take the necessary time to create your 3YV prior to December 1.  You'll want to spend the month of December focused on identifying your quarterly goal/initiative. Review the MMPTs I've dropped on my podcast over the last several weeks for the finder details.  It is important that when you put your goals down, that they are a HELL YES.
  3. You must document these goals on a GOAL Board, a binder, screen saver or wherever you can review them every day. Daily review is a must.
  4. Pull out your Goal Board every day and let your mind scan it.  This is how you will program your subconscious and the rest of your brain with your 3YT.
  5. Pick your quarterly initiatives (one personal and one professional).  Start the process of chunking down the goal into 12-week bites.
  6. Execute like your business like your life depended on it. Why? Because it does.
  7. Review your vision and plan daily, execute daily and track your progress.
  8. Take the 13th week to celebrate, review and plan your next quarter.
  9. Create your Weekly Plan every Sunday which is a derivative of your "12 Week Year" Plan. Did you win the week or lose the week?  Each week should be unique.
  10. Re-read and study "The 12 Week Year" by Brian Moran until it becomes habit.
  11. Develop an accountability group. Do your WAMs.  (Weekly Accountability Meetings). Score your week.

So, that's the strategy: Simply build a 3-Year Vision, activate 12 quarterly initiatives, chunk your action into weeks/days, track your success, review your weekly plan on Sunday and review your 3YV daily.

Now just imagine where you will be on December 31, 2024, if you committed and executed on this strategy. You will not recognize your life or your business.  Now, it's time to commit. Are you interested or are you committed?