A Strategy that Needs Attention

My professional purpose is to help you, the broker, optimize your productivity and help you become the best version of yourself.  Why?  Because happy brokers sell more real estate.   I do that by helping you handle challenges and opportunities that you face every day.  If you can effectively manage certain situations that arise on a daily basis, you'll be more productive and live a life that is the best version of you.

Today, I want to remind you of the daily ritual that can have the most impact on your day; your Morning Ritual.

Okay, I can hear you:  "Here we go again, Jim and his Morning Ritual" ...lol.  I hear you, but as I scanned over my MMPT notes, it's a topic that I haven't talked about in detail for a while and I want to bring it to the surface prior to us wrapping up Q3. Many of you are going to start to identify your Q4 goal (more on this next week) and I want to plant this seed today. If you do not have a Morning Ritual that you execute consistently, you should move it up your priority list.

When it comes to your Morning Ritual, you probably fall into 1 of 3 camps. You're either in:

  1. The "I tried it, I hated it, I'm not a morning person" camp,
  2. The "My days are so much better when I do my Morning Ritual but I'm not consistent" camp,
  3. Or you are a "Morning Ritual master and you can't live without it" camp.

Listen, I am not here to shame anyone into having a Morning Ritual. I just want to make some points for you to consider so you can make the best strategic choice for you.  In fact, so we can all "reset the calculator" on this topic, for today, let's not call it a Morning Ritual.  Let’s call it "Me Time.” Does that feel better?  Okay, I've made some points that I want to discuss with your today and I am going to discuss them by asking you the questions I want you to ask yourself:

  1. If I don't have "Me Time" scheduled, when am I going to take time to think, plan and strategize?
  2. I know I need 1-2 hours of "Me Time" each day. If not the morning, when can I fit it in during the day when I am still feeling energized and creative?
  3. I always feel like I am behind, why is that?  How can I change that feeling?
  4. I did my goals last December and haven't looked at them since. How do I change that?
  5. I need to exercise.  I feel so much better when I do. When is the best time to fit that in?
  6. I take "Me Time' every day in the morning and I'm consistent. I love it, but still feel a tad off. How can I fix that?
  7. I know I need "Me Time" in the morning. I do pretty well for a while but then I fall off.  How do I get back on my routine?

(Listen to the PODCAST for my answers)

See as your leader, manager, mentor and coach, I am not here to speak at you. You are all independent business owners that have so many opportunities to OPTIMIZE your life.  My job is to "drop breadcrumbs" and lead you down the trail to your best business and life. I've been there, seen it and have had the most amazing seats to watch ELP's (Elite Level Producers) optimize. My energy is so in line right now and my only goals are to keep learning, keep executing and bring as many people with me as possible.

I don't know one ELP that doesn't have ME TIME scheduled intentionally in the morning. Are they perfect, NO! Do they pivot back to being consistent? YES.

So, take these questions I've put out there this morning and put some thinking time into them.  I think the answers you give to these questions will bring you a lot of personal awareness to the topic.

Team, have a happy and productive week. I'm here if you need me.