What Chapter Are You On In Your Story?

My professional purpose is to help you, the broker, maximize your production and help you become and remain the best version of yourself.  Why?  Because happy agents sell more real estate. I do that by helping you solve problems that you face every day. If you can effectively solve your problems, you'll be happier in your business and in life.
Today,  the problem I want to help you solve is how you look at your current situation realistically,  how you got here, and where you're going.
The inputs we get every day from society, social media and our environment puts so much pressure on us to perform now, show up in the best light now, to "compete with the Jones'" and to focus on what others think more than how we think about ourselves.  It can be dangerous and certainly unproductive.  These pressures keep us from considering and executing on the long game.
I prefer to look at this "thing we call life" as a book with chapters and pages that we write every day. I was planning on writing on a completely different topic this week but pivoted after I watched the Kentucky Derby, won by a horse, Medina Spirit, that was purchased for a $1,000 as a yearling. It reminded me that it doesn't matter your background, your education level, your past or your current situation, you can win if you've got heart and grit and that's what Medina Spirit showed everyone on Saturday. A truly great comeback story at its best.
So, have you considered your life a story?  Are you focused on writing a masterpiece?
If you look at a great story and every blockbuster movie, they follow a framework:
  1. A Hero - (You)
  2. A Problem  - recover from past missteps or trauma in order to build the ideal life
  3. A Guide  -  a coach, mentor, friend that inspires you
  4. The Plan  - your approach to reach your goals
  5. A Call to Action -  the moment that pushes you to change
  6. Success or Failure
So, the point that I want to make is that your current situation, great or not so great, is all just a page of your story.  To write a masterpiece, you've got to keep writing each page, each chapter in order to create that masterpiece. A masterpiece is not created by comparing yourself to others.  It's created by battling the challenges and roadblocks that we all face and understanding that if the story is written with intention, you will create something special. Nobody watches movies or reads book where someone just goes about their life with nothing of interest happening to them.  We all relate to the stories where the hero is in way over his/her head and prevails. The best stories are those where the hero had to overcome insurmountable odds to prevail. Heroes that overcome massive challenges all have certain things in common.
In the world of brokerage, the story most brokers choose to write is to build a highly productive business in order to live the life each broker wants  to live.  Last May, I introduced a description of a broker that executes at an incredibly high level, the top 3% in any market. I coined that type of broker as an ELP (Elite Level Producer)  and I identified 7 characteristics that an ELP possesses to write their story.  During the months of May and June last year, we went into great detail with these characteristics and how they are crucial to a broker writing their masterpiece. As a reminder, these characteristics:
  1. Clarity
  2. Awareness
  3. Commitment
  4. Consistency
  5. Skill
  6. Innovative
  7. Patience
To write your masterpiece where you are the hero,  you must consider these characteristics and master them.  I feel this content is so relevant, that I've decided go back and review each one of these characteristics in our next 7 MMPT's  and stress test each one against what we've covered in the last year.
Remember, no one is pre-destined to win or lose.  It is 100% due to the effort that you put in to maximize the skills you've been given. Like Medina Spirit, the $1,000 horse, pedigree didn't matter. There were a lot of $1,000,000 horses that didn't fair well on Saturday.  What's the difference?  Training, heart and grit.
Let's get to work on finishing your masterpiece.