The Importance of a Vision and Clarity

My professional purpose is to help you, the broker, maximize your production and help you become and the best version of yourself.  Why?  Because happy agents sell more real estate.  I do that by helping you solve problems that you face every day.  If you can effectively solve your problems,  you'll be happier in your business and in life.

Today,  the problem I want to help you solve is to help you realize the importance of creating a vision for your life and business so that you can have the clarity needed to pursue your life goals.

Over the next few months,  I want to take you into the pages of books written by my virtual mentors that have inspired me over the last 13 years through their written words. You may not know this about me but in college, I DJ'd weddings, homecomings, proms and other family events.  A good DJ will take content created by others and create compilations that will "inspire" their audience.  Once you know your audience, you have to be quick on your feet to create the playlist that you feel will best "inspire" that specific audience that is looking to you to make their evening memorable. This is really what I do during my MMPTs. I take what I learn from my over 13,000 hours of self development and I spin my best on Monday mornings. Over the course of the coming months,  I will take you into the books, chapters and pages that have inspired me and taught me.  I've never been personally coached or mentored. I'm 100% self taught by virtual mentors and coaches.  We start today with the importance of Clarity and creating a Vision.

I want to start with reading you a few paragraphs from Brendon Burchard's book "High Performance Habits" where he explains the importance of clarity.  Prior to what I am going to read, he explains the issues of one of his coaching clients, a client who is perceived to have it all by her friends, but underneath it, she feels lost and lacks clarity on what she needs to be happy.  (Pages 53-61). She describes it by saying "In all of this running around and trying to do everything,  I'm feeling a little disconnected to it.  I feel lost".   The chapter continues with Brendon's description of her situation and how common it is to feel this way:

NOTE:  Brendon Burchard and Tony Robbins are the highest paid, high performance coaches.  They are paid high 6 figures a year to be coached by them if you can get on their roster.

I want to jump over to Chapter 13, page 79 of "The 12 Week Year" written by Brian Moran.  I highly suggest you put it on your reading list for the summer.

Last May, I introduced "Clarity" as ELP Characteristic #1 and I defined it in this way:

CLARITY means that you are clear, you know exactly what you want, when and how to get it.  Napoleon Hill refers to it as “definite of purpose” in his epic book "Think and Grow Rich”.  Instead of Clarity, people use other well know words and phrases such  as “Goals”,  your “Vision”, your “Why”, your “Purpose”, your “GPS” or in Take Flight, I’ll refer to it as your “Flight Plan”.  Others refer to this as “problems that need to be solved”, or “desired outcomes”.  I think the word “Clarity” is an overall description for all of these words or metaphors.  It describes the need to know what you want, how you want to feel and how you are going to obtain it and by what date.  If you are not clear on THAT one thing, you most definitely will not get it.  Most people, the 97%, naturally default  to “pay the bills” or maintain survival mode.  That’s the one thing everyone understands, the need to survive.  It’s built into your brain as the natural default.

So,  as we move through the summer,  I highly suggest you pick up these books and listen to them, read them and study them.  I'll only be pulling from the absolute top choices.  In a way, I'll be teaching you "Take Flight"  concepts through words written by others.  Next week,  we'll touch on the HOW to create a vision and to get clear on how you want to live your life and who you want to become.  Let's have a little fun this summer, go deep and get inspired to execute at a completely different level.

Thank you for joining me on this journey.