Notes to Self: Spring Break 2021 Brought Clarity

I've realized that some of my best ideas, plans and enhanced clarity come to me when I travel. I get out of my ecosystem which allows me to take a 35,000 foot view of my current reality. "Take Flight" was created and developed in the Cayman Islands in March of 2016. I know that I'm not the only one that feels this way; in fact, Matthew McConaughey in his book "Green Lights" (I highly recommend listening to it and buying the hard copy to mark up) says in Part 4:
"First, we need to put ourselves in the place to receive the truth. This noisy world we live in, with its commitments, deadlines, fixed thises, do thats, and expectations make it hard to get clarity and peace of mind, famous or not. So we have to consciously put ourselves in a place to receive that clarity. Whether that's prayer, meditation, a walk about, being in the right company, a road trip, whatever it is for each of us."
So, I always create a "NOTES" page, for each vacation, on my phone and just add those thoughts as they cross my mind. I make NTS's or "Notes to Self" and today I want to share some of those from my travel over the last 2 weeks.
So "Note to Self #1" (NTS1): 1 hour of "me time" daily is confirmed, a must, is fully needed to operate at the highest level. You have to be intentional about it or you won't do it.
NTS2:  One must get away and out of their environment 3 to 4 days a quarter, minimum, to recharge and for 5 to 7 days, twice a year to reconnect with themselves and those close to them.
NTS3:  "The Ultimate Productivity Hack"  included that a 90-120 day "Flight" is the holy grail of high performance. I was wrong stating that a "Flight" could or should be longer term. Those longer term goals should be broken down into smaller segments.
NTS4: Long term success is built on stacking successful "Flights" over the course of your career and life.
NTS5:  Self Development Phases and Lifecycle:
1:  Self Discovery Phase
2:  Elimination Phase
3:  Self Improvement/Leveling Up/Growth Phase
4:  Maintenance Phase
NTS6:  How much do I "trust" my productivity system/strategy? Why, because it has a direct correlation on "happiness."  Everything rolls into this area of execution. You cannot outsource this to anyone else, a planner and/or app. It is all you and your willingness to execute efficiently and consistently. No one, no thing is going to do it for you. If you are productive, you will be much happier. A happier broker will lead to a much higher level of income.
NTS7:  "The Four Agreements" by Don Miguel Ruiz
1:  Be Impeccable with Your Word
2:  Don't Take Things Personally
3:  Don't Make Assumptions
4:  Always Do Your Best
NTS8:  Living a life of health and wellness will 100% help you create a higher level of productivity and energy. One should never take this part of their life for granted.  I am sold and am never going back to my previous lifestyle.  Make the time to live differently and add 3x to your productivity.
NTS9:  You either have an "Abundance Mindset" or you have a "Scarcity Mindset." Be aware of your thoughts and actions. Your frequency depends on it.
NTS10:  The biggest breakthroughs I see as a result of my teaching/coaching come in the area of MINDSET and Productivity.  Most agents suck at "living" and feel that they have to choose between being successful and living a quality/happy life.  It's not a choice.  You can have both but you have to be intentional about it. (Intentional = execute a plan. You hustle but you don't waste minutes.)
Clarity is so powerful. Clarity is looking at the map and knowing that you are going in the right direction, that you are making progress and focused on the right things.  To create clarity, you have to get out of the noise of the day-to-day to take time to think.
I, too, am on a growth path. With that, I wanted to share with you today what I am thinking about as a result of some time away. Spring Break 2021 brought me clarity. I am not a finished product by a long stretch and I appreciate you being on this ride with me as I learn, pivot, execute and stress test my ideas. I realize that "Happy Agents Sell More" so I will continue to try to help you HACK this thing called life and your business.