Not Woo Woo. Just Strategy

My professional purpose is to help brokers maximize their productivity while becoming the best versions of themselves.   I do that by helping solve problems that brokers face every day.
Today,  the problem I want to help you solve is to how to fend off a scarcity mindset and create or maintain an abundance mindset through understanding the power of energy.
In his book, "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change", Stephen Covey explains that when you live in a world of scarcity, you compete for available resources, even when there is an abundance of them. ... Fear of the unknown can cause us to think with a scarcity mindset.  For brokers a scarcity mindset revolves around the idea that there simply isn’t enough business to go around and that there can be only be certain brokers that get all of the business.  Or when commissions hit the account,  it is spent right away with the broker not thinking long term.  Why?  Because if it isn't spent, it will go away, or something will happen to it. The scarcity mindset scenario that I see most often is when a broker,  even during times of success and massive personal growth, thinks that all the success will come to an end and they finding themselves awaiting pending doom.
The goal is to be aware of this and start the transition to an abundance mindset.   The journey to an abundance mindset starts by not worrying about what others are doing and instead focusing on yourself and your personal journey.  You need to know, in your DNA,  that there is more than enough for everyone to achieve exactly what they want and crave in their lives.
Here are some tips on how to drop a scarcity mindset  and move towards an abundance mindset. An abundance mindset will help you run a much more productive business while living a fulfilling and intentional life :
  1. "Clear the Calculator":  Realize that there have been things in your life that have drastically impacted your mindset.  Clear the calculator, take a mental reset and realize that what happened to you in the past is in the past.
  2. Think long term.  Focus on getting just 1% better every day and avoid "all or nothing" scenarios.
  3. Practice gratitude.  Be grateful for everything you've got and every experience you've had in your life.
  4. Go deep into "Self Development" to "self medicate".  Fill your mind with great, new content that helps you grow and evolve.
  5. Avoid negativity, most especially the media and social media ,that does not help you reach your goals.
  6. Focus on giving.  Be a giver.   The energy that is created by giving will created such a return for you.
  7. Write down daily affirmations or create a mantra that you can tell yourself everyday.
  8. Meditation -schedule a meeting with yourself every day.
  9. Eliminate or limit negative people from your life.
  10. If all else fails, get radical, and change your  entire environment.
Why is having an abundant mindset so important for your professional and personal success?   Because it has a massive impact on your frequency, your energy and in turn, what you attract into your life.  If you are feeling negative about your current situation and your future, you will attract more negativity in your life and business.  If you are feeling positive about your future and feeling abundant, despite even your current situation,  you will start to attract a more positive outcome.  This is fact.  This is a law, just like gravity.   We all emit a frequency and we attract what is on that frequency.  You'll hear me say "you attract what ever radio station you are tuned into".  It's the same science.  Your cell phone can send a text or call to any number in the world and it will send a signal or message  to that number in that device's exact location.  Same goes for your personal energy/frequency so this is why it is so important to constantly be taking stock in "what frequency you are emitting".
Understanding this and executing on controlling your frequency will be your biggest challenge of your life.  Why? Because your brain was designed to keep you in the status quo.  It creates "danger" scenarios to keep you safe. (Negative thoughts/scarcity).  Your biggest competition will be you.   This is why I spend so much time, personally,  "thinking" especially during my morning rituals.  I attempt to take stock of my mindset and make sure that I am focused on my vision, my boundaries, not comparing myself to others and staying  focused on getting better every day.   I also understand that I will never be 100% positive.  It's impossible.  I know that I just need to tip the scales to 51% positive to create a positive frequency.
Tony Robbins states that success is "80% - Mindset and 20% Skill"  and having been an avid follower of his for years,  I know that his statement is based in research and science.  So, with that being true, shouldn't we start making the 10 tips I discussed earlier a priority in our daily lives?  If you are not quite understanding this topic today,  you should probably start researching it further.   Come to your own conclusion but I have personally stress tested it for 13 years and I will tell you that the statement "You are what you think about",  coined by Earl Nightingale in the "Strangest Secret",  is true and proven.
Those that produce at an elite level, know that developing an abundance mindset is crucial, vital, non negotiable, realize this to be true, understand it, use it and execute on it.  You can't outsmart it, can't out work it nor can you out execute your mindset.  It's nature.  You will either get on board or you will struggle and never fully find flow. I learned this 12 years ago when I was 41 years old.  I wish I had been aware of it when I was much younger.
For me, it's "Not WOO WOO.  It's strategy".
Your homework for the week:  Go to Youtube, search "The Strangest Secret" by Earl Nightingale.  It's 31 minutes of pure wisdom.  I've listened to it at least 50 times.