Take Flight: Ideal Day

To build a profitable real estate brokerage business, there are many elements that have to be considered and executed to successfully get your business "off the ground." This is why I created “Take Flight” for our brokers at Jameson Sotheby's International Realty. I could have easily kept what I learned from 2008-2013 to myself, but in 2011 my motivation and purpose changed. I wanted to make sure that other agents avoided the same mistakes I made early in my brokerage career which came to haunt me for the better part of a decade. These painful lessons were caused by my lack of preparation and because I subscribed to a “transactional" based model which is still the overriding culture of our industry.

Brokers are taught to think that to build a “relationship” based model is a lot more work and most wince at the thought of maintaining a constant drumbeat of coordinated communication with their clients. Hopefully throughout this coordinated grouping of MMPTs and Podcast episodes teaching “Take Flight,"  you’ve seen that you can build a predictable and enjoyable business. Yes, predictable and enjoyable. What I’ve learned, though, is that this type of business is reserved just for Elite Level Producers (ELPs). Being an ELP has nothing to do with production or GCI. It has everything to do with execution.

If you remember, back in May and June before I launched the Take Flight series, I covered that Clarity, Awareness, Commitment, Consistency, Skill, Innovation and Patience were the 7 Characteristics of an ELP.  To maintain a level of competency in these 7 areas takes thought, it takes planning and it takes execution.

To think, plan and execute at an elite level, you must put time aside each day to focus on those 3 areas. I’ve learned that you have to create an Ideal Day that becomes a natural rhythm that your subconscious operates automatically. This is not optional. You need to make it non-negotiable.

Your Ideal Day starts with your Morning Ritual. 95% of people have been surveyed as being the most creative and productive in the morning after ample sleep. If you are the remaining 5%, adjust to make your ritual at night. Here is what I try to accomplish in the first 3 hours of my day:

I  track the 5 non-negotiables that I accomplish before I start my day around 8:00 a.m. Here they are:

  1. I take 30 minutes to wake up and freshen up. Coffee. Set up my work area. Drink water.
  2. I meditate for 30 minutes.
  3. I do at least one hour of self development training on my 90 Day Area of Focus.
  4. I review my schedule for the day and plan accordingly. I review email and text messages from the previous day.
  5. When I am done with the above,  I will review my emails and social media and correspond as needed.
I wrap this part of my morning up at around 7:00 a.m. and transition my focus to my family.
From 8:00 until 10:00 a.m., it's 'me' time. I take a little pause before the craziness of the day ramps up.
Starting at 10:00 a.m. and going to 5:00 p.m., I set aside every day to execute. I go into this timeframe not knowing what the day will bring. I just set that expectation for myself.
At 5:00 p.m., I wrap my day and put a bow on it and address any emails and calls that need to be handled that day.
At 6:00 p.m., I transition back to my family, dog, and home for about 3 hours and I’m in bed between 9:00 and 10:00. I have found that I operate best on about 7 hours of sleep.
That’s my day. I do it every week day and have some rhythm to my weekend days as well. I don’t even think about it now as it has become 100% automatic. Research says that a bio rhythm like this could take from 66 to 90 days to enact.

Now, this is just the Ideal Day that I chose for myself. I look forward to my mornings.  They are my favorite hours of the day.  They are also my most productive.  You most likely will develop your own version but you have to create some structure around your day so you can play on offense and not defense.

If you want to be elite, you have to manage your day or it will manage you.