Take Flight: Track Your Flight

If you’ve gotten this far through our “Take Flight” course, you are approaching 35,000 feet. At 35,000 feet, you hit cruising speed and are well on your way to reaching your destination and completing your “Flight.”

So how are you doing?  Today, I want to help you “Track Your Flight.”

Before we do that, I just want to remind you what the definition of a “Flight” is. On Episode #2 of this series of Take Flight, I specifically defined a flight as:

"…a specific, impactful and medium time range goal that once hit, you immediately arrive at the next level of your life or business."

So that takes me to where we left off last week. All of the “Flights" you plan to take roll up to 2 questions that you need to ask yourself:

    Who do I want to be?  (Your personal development, health and wellness, spiritual goals)
    How do I want to live?  (These will be your financial goals, your lifestyle goals)

These questions address how you want to feel. It sounds woo woo but it isn’t. In reality, everyone is really chasing a feeling, not things. Feelings motivate. Things do not. The things you have and person you aim to be make you feel a certain way. It’s your responsibility to take the action to move your life and business in the direction you want it to go."

From there you started to define your goals for the FLIGHT you are on and we know that we have to create systems, processes, habits, rituals, routines, boundaries and rules for our business to support the goals which cascade into allowing us to live the life we want to live and become the person we want to become.

Take Flight has those 5 engines that create the lift and help your flight stay on course. To do that, you need to review your progress regularly or Track Your Flight:

Mindset/Clarity: (Where are you on a scale of 1-10, not using the number 7?)

Time Management/Productivity: (Where are you on a scale of 1-10, not using the number 7?)

3 Rocks of Marketing: (Where are you on a scale of 1-10, not using the number 7?)

Deliver and Leverage: (Where are you on a scale of 1-10, not using the number 7?)

Relationship Management: (Where are you on a scale of 1-10, not using the number 7?)

Team, the fundamentals of “Take Flight” are boiled down into these 5 areas. I introduced them all to you in some detail over the last 4 months on our weekly MMPTs. If you implement and consistently execute what we’ve discussed, you will arrive at 35,000 and hit your goals… plain and simple. You have to do the work. I’ve got a few more sessions between now and the end of the year that will help you stay at 35,000 feet, land directly on your destination (goal), and prepare for your next journey.

I can say this quite bluntly and honestly, that if you do not implement these strategies during this time where we are limited because of COVID, you most likely will never introduce them to your business and you will stay on that treadmill of unpredictability and stress by being transactional.

Executing on the fundamentals is boring. There is nothing “Instagrammable” about it but I will tell you, the private comments I get from agents who are living their best life get quite emotional about the progress they’ve made. Most agents don’t like to talk publicly about their success, but they tell me. I’ve seen lives changed by creating clarity, developing a powerful mindset, and executing on how they want to live and who they want to become.