Take Flight: Take Off (Part 4)

I’ve made my case over the previous 3 weeks for the importance of staying in consistent contact with your clients and sphere starting on Day 1 and over the course of your career. The stats do not lie. You should have your list created and it should be segmented by Platinum, Gold, Silver and everyone else is set as a Fringe contact. Okay, so now you’re set up, what next? Now it’s time to get to work scheduling your touch points throughout the year. Before I get into the scheduling portion of this strategy, I want to discuss the different types of contacts you can make and the impact of each type. I have broken down the contacts into a system called the “Hierarchy of Contacts” built over 3 different levels. Let’s go through them:

Hierarchy of Contacts:

Level 1 Contacts (High Impact):

One on One Meeting (when appropriate)
Make a connection or introduction that would benefit client
Strategic Gift with Handwritten Note (when appropriate)
Follow up/thank you for introduction to your business
Handwritten Note
Client Event (when appropriate)
Real Estate Review (Ninja Selling)
Phone/Zoom Conversation


Level 2 Contacts (Mid Impact):

Video (text) or Audio (text)
Social Media DM
Text message
Email reach out with article or equivalent piece of content


Level 3 Contacts (Low Impact):

Social Media post interaction (continuous)
Mass Email campaign (every 2 weeks)
Direct Mail campaign (1 time per month, if applicable)


Platinum Clients: Level 1 Contacts scheduled 4 times a year:

  1. Birthday - starting point
  2. 3 months off birthday
  3. 6 months off birthday
  4. 9 months off birthday

Gold Clients:  Level 1 or Level 2 Contacts scheduled 4 times a year:

  1. Birthday - starting point
  2. 3 months off birthday
  3. 6 months off birthday
  4. 9 months off birthday

Silver Clients:  Level 2 Contacts scheduled 4 times a year:

  1. Birthday - starting point
  2. 3 months off birthday
  3. 6 months off birthday
  4. 9 months off birthday

Now, this is how you schedule these touch points. As a refresher, go back and listen to my MMPT called Take Flight: Automated Flight Control where I discussed how I use my calendar and task/reminders to set up recurring tasks/reminders and appointments to remind me to take action on this strategy. I’ve turned my Outlook into the most effective CRM I’ve ever used. To fully schedule one client in your calendar, expect to spend 5-10 minutes and by using this scheduling strategy with setting the birthday as the axis point, you’ll spread your contacts out evenly over the year not just for the individual client but for your entire database.

Your contact needs to be thoughtful and appropriate, not just a process. (Thoughtfulness = considering the needs of the other person and Appropriate = suitable or proper for the circumstances.)

Now remember this, you cannot automate thoughtfulness, but you can remind yourself to be thoughtful and this is what this strategy will do for you.

You’ve got to look at your TOP 100 like a big tray of batteries. Batteries have a charge level. They are most effective when they are fully charged. Your TOP 100 is the same way. The way you keep them fully charged is to stay in touch with them, consistently over the life of your business. When their charge is low, they are at severe risk of using another broker when they do their next real estate transaction. You cannot do this by memory, you have to have a process. Use the process/strategy I’ve discussed today and your TOP 100 will produce in a big way for you.