Take Flight: Fasten Your Seatbelts

So, this is Week #7 of my Take Flight “virtual” series and we’ve covered a lot of ground, a lot of important ground. So, before the holiday week next week, I wanted to slow it down before we moved on to the next phase of Take Flight.  If you are going to have success on the sessions we will cover in September and October, you need to get really serious about what we talked about in Sessions 1 through 6.

I want to start with a quick story that explains the importance of my success philosophy. I received an Instagram DM over the weekend from one of our agents which included an infogram from an IG influencer, @maryamhasnaa and her message was the following:  “When you see others that inspire you, don’t try to match their energy or become like them. Instead, find that frequency within yourself and become your own unique version of that which they are expressing.” It was accompanied by a message from our agent where they expressed their feelings saying “Trying to remember this. Not always easy.” I responded saying: “It’s extremely tough. That’s why you need to answer the very personal questions:  Who do I want to become? How do you want to live? Do that!” That little interlude is exactly what you need to understand. Your flights are your flights. Do not compare yourself to others. Don’t compare production numbers, average sales price or any other metric. When you focus on what others are doing, you are not focusing on yourself and your progress. That’s why we start with:

“Who do you want to become?”…and

“How do you want to live?”   

The answers to those questions will be your North Star. The answers will help you make every decision including who you surround yourself with on a daily basis. They will be the guide for all of your goal setting. Your midterm and long-term goals will roll right up to help you manifest those questions. 2021 is right around the corner and when we get into late September and October, our focus will switch to 2021.

As we cascade down,  we learned that we have to have systems, processes, habits, routines, rituals, boundaries and rules executed consistently over an extended period of time to reach our goals and answer those specific questions that are our North Star. A lot of our time will be spent in Take Flight on the 3rd cascading level. You, my friends, have to do the heavy lifting on the first 2.

If you remember, I asked you to identify your first FLIGHT. We spent Session #2 defining that FLIGHT.  In that session, I explained that your longer term ideas and vision need to be broken down into shorter term “FLIGHTS.” These are intermediate goals that usually take a month, a quarter, a year, and sometimes longer.  Your FLIGHT must be specific, measurable with a deadline included. Anytime you plan a trip, those are the first 2 things that you do. You look at your calendar, come to some agreement with your travel partners and you take your first action step by checking flights and making a reservation. Designing your new business and life is no different. These “FLIGHTS” will act as your navigation system and give you consistent direction. Step 1 is to take immediate action, so I want you to go ahead and “pick the dates and book your flight.”

I decided to keep it a little bit lighter in Session #3. I let you know that I have tried everything, done a lot of research, spent money on wasted applications and have settled nicely in on the following technology, apps, and software, and I've hired people to support me. To make sure that your FLIGHTS are successful, we covered that you needed the proper technology and tools. To “TAKE FLIGHT,” you’ll need productivity tools that are necessary for getting to where you want to go. I talked to an agent this week who said her 4-year old laptop kept freezing up and causing her problems. Team, your phone, laptop, and your software apps of choice have to remain updated along with all of your preferred software apps.

In Session #4, I challenged you to FLY LIGHT. Some of the most important breakthroughs I’ve seen with your fellow agents have been when they have eliminated the things that just don’t work for them. Fly Light means live as efficiently as you can, not only in your business but in your life. You may have to make some really difficult decisions along the way to rid yourself of stagnant, negative energy.

In Session #5, I brought to you my Productivity Dashboard concept using your calendar and reminders (Outlook, G-Suite, ICAL). I laid out how if you take the next few weeks and completely plan every aspect of your day, your relationships, your recurring meetings, your recurring personal and professional tasks, you will switch from planning your day to reviewing your day. This is a concept that will save you hours every week and reduce your stress. Having implemented this system for myself, I can tell you first-hand that it has been a game changer.

In last week’s Session #6, I reminded you just how important every minute is in your day. Your habits, routines and rituals can be either positive or negative.  Trend your day to being highly productive and you will see immediate results.

Within TAKE FLIGHT, there are 3 foundational principles: MINDSET, PRODUCTIVITY and RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT. We’ve given you a broad overview of the first 2 principles in the over the last 6 weeks.

My advice to you over the next 2 weeks is to listen to all 6 of these EPISODES again and really study them. You can find them on SOUNDCLOUD, APPLE PODCASTS searchable under ASK JIM MILLER. Do a full audit on what you need to change or improve over the coming months to create momentum in your business.  Maybe you’ve had some good habits, routines and rituals in the past, but you’ve gotten off track.  Pick them back up and reapply them to your life and business.  Mastering the content in Sessions 1-6 will have you ready to get your business off the ground, I promise… so “Fasten Your Seatbelts.”  When we resume, I will guide you through the steps needed to get you to your destination.