You Were Built for This

We are in unprecedented times, but you were built for this.

We just finished up the official week one of this crisis and it was a week where everyone had to pivot and adjust to a virtual working environment and a shelter-in-place order. The shift has been difficult for some, especially for those of you who have children. You’re wearing a lot of hats and it’s incredibly difficult to execute your life and your business.

Last week I told you that I am taking a neutral approach to the crisis. That stance for me has not changed. Being neutral means being realistic and focused on problem solving. I’ve urged you to really limit your intake of the negativity and judiciously select your sources of information.

These are scary times. This week, “peak fear,” frustration, and cabin fever are going to start setting in with a lot of people before there is light at the end of the tunnel.

I’m going to say it again - to protect your mindset, limit your intake of negativity over the next couple of weeks or it will overwhelm you. Pick your sources for information carefully. Let me explain why.

I just finished the book “It Take What It Takes” by Trevor Moawad. Trevor is hired by elite level athletes to game plan their mindset. One story he relays in the book is about when he wanted to test the strength of his own mindset. He had always respected how the Navy Seals maintain such composure under the worst of conditions, so he called on a Navy Seal to test him. The Seal told him to watch 3 hours of cable news and 2 hours of country music every day and to track his productivity.  It took 26 days of this routine to break him, literally into tears. That goes to show you what can even happen to a person that lives, breathes, and preaches the importance of mindset.  The media is a “pay per click” culture and they’ve realized that people will consume the negative stories before the positive stories. They understand the fight or flight mechanism of the brain so, “If it bleeds, it leads.”  So, again, heed some words of caution as we all tackle this situation we’re in.

Understanding reality is key so you can manage it and stay neutral.

Take notice of how people are adapting and focus on the good. There is a lot of good going on as people try to help each other get through this together.

I’ve been unbelievably encouraged by the teamwork that is being displayed over the last week. We are figuring out how to get our doses of human interaction through virtual methods.

It’s Monday and this week you will be faced with a huge decision. Are you going to be productive and maintain some momentum or are you going to just hope to ride it out and pick up where you were when the dust settles? Again, having observed elite level producers for the past decade plus, the one thing they do is try to stay in motion to protect their momentum. The formula goes like this… for every week you get out of your productive routines, it will take one week to regain those same routines when we get the green light.  So, if you lose focus for one full month, it will take you a full month to regain your routines and habits.

So, you might ask “Jim, I’m at home, there is no way that I can keep up the same routine.” I completely agree… so you need to adjust your routines. My entire goal during the next few weeks is to help you stay in motion. We will get through this and we need to be ready to assist our clients.  As I’ve stated in earlier Pep Talks, this crisis will give people the chance to really examine what is important to them.  Food and Shelter are basic needs right now. We are involved in helping people provide shelter and there will be opportunities. In fact, many of you are still busy with your pipeline despite the disruption.

Let’s take this week by week. For the foreseeable future, Monday Morning Pep Talks will be actionable in nature, so I am going to give you a game plan for this week. I want you to take a 35,000 square foot look and do a full audit on your business. I would suggest the following projects:

  1. Start each day with a list of things you want/need to accomplish that day.  Trust me, you need to chunk this down and focus on winning each day.
  2. Build your “Quarantine Schedule” and stick to it as much as you can.  Those of you with children will have your hands full understandably. Your morning ritual will be key.
  3. Identify your Top 25% of your Top 100.  Make sure you that you have complete information in your database including birthdays and anniversaries. As you go through the list, make sure that you have had contact with them within the last 30 days.
  4. Our marketing department is sending out an email each week with 2 technology offerings we want you to focus on, complete with online training. Take this time to learn and completely familiarize yourself. They are designed to help you create efficiency in your business.  Higher efficiency equals higher productivity.
  5. Create a list of all of the projects that need to be done at your home. Almost like creating your own punch list. Start by decluttering one room/closet. Small projects like this will help you maintain your momentum in all areas of your life.
  6. Pick one audiobook on your list and finish it this week. I find audiobooks completely motivational and if you even take one thing out of the book that you can use in your life and business, it’s worth it. It will also help you avoid the full onslaught of the 24-hour news cycle.
  7. Order birthday cards off Shutterfly or an equivalent provider. Have them delivered as soon as you can, preferably this week.
  8. Do your best to detach and think. Go for walks, if possible, and journal your thoughts.  You’ve got projects that need to be done and some that you have forgotten. If you remember them, write them down.
  9. Keep a notebook or journal with you at all times so you can write down your ideas and thoughts. We tend to unbury treasure troves of insight when there is uncertainty.
  10. Stay connected. Form chat groups, schedule a virtual happy hour, a virtual book club or anything that can keep your spirits up.

Remember, in times when it is hard to stay completely positive, focus on staying “neutral,” stay focused on solving problems, and on winning each day.

If you have attended my Take Flight class or listened to my MMPTs, you’ve probably implemented some of the strategies I teach.  The Take Flight strategies were conceived and perfected during another incredibly difficult time. They will be super important, too, as we exit this current crisis. Having a well-developed relationship-based business will get you through difficult markets. People hire who they know, like, and trust. A relationship-based business takes time - it's built over time and cannot be pulled out of a hat. Because of this, transaction-based brokers will struggle.

So, my job is to encourage you, but shoot straight with you at the same time. You were built for this and you will prosper when we get through the other side of this crisis!