Fall In Love With the Process

We all know that if you wing it, don’t put out the effort, and run from your struggles, your business is never going to get off the ground. Or worse yet, it will fail.

Some people do a few things consistently, but most put forward effort that is wildly inconsistent without a real plan.

Some attend Tony Robbins’ “Unleash the Power Within," attend a Ninja selling installation, go to my Take Flight course, and dabble with a few things but never fully implement the meat of the content.

This is normal. This is the way the 97% think and operate in most cases. My renewed purpose in life is to help as many people that want to listen get into the Top 3% of elite level achievement - the group that outperforms the rest 10 to 1.

It is easier than you might think and there is not one person reading this today that can’t be in the Top 3%. Let me make my point by letting you know a common theme that I hear regularly.

“Jim, I’m doing what you tell me to do, a few things are working but it just doesn’t seem to be clicking!”

I’ll ask a few questions before I tell my favorite metaphor for what it means to be patient, to let success marinate and come in its own time.

There is a process and it is simpler than you might think.

I grew up in central Nebraska where agriculture is our main economic driver. For generations, farmers there have planted in the spring and harvested in the fall. It happens every year. They couldn’t speed up the process if they tried. This process is called the law of gestation. The law of gestation is natural period of time for creation. The farmers know that they have to put the effort in between early April and late October to make sure they have a bumper crop. They’ve got to till, plant, irrigate, detassle and take other steps of caring for the crop during that 6 to 7-month process. They’ve got decades of experience. They know exactly what it takes and they just execute knowing that if they “follow the process,” a harvest in the fall will occur.

So how does this relate to you? What is the process?  What are the steps to obtaining the business and life that you want?

The “seed” is thought – the “what.” The “what” is that idea, goal, or problem needing to be solved. It can be any kind of seed you want. Big or small, they all cost the same. For a bumper harvest, that seed has to be exciting enough for you to jump out of bed every morning and care for it.

That emotion, the feeling, the enthusiasm is the sunlight, the dirt and the water. Why? The emotion, the enthusiasm, and the feelings create the action which in turn creates the growth. The action is what is required for the seed to grow. It’s the action that creates the results - the harvest.

So, what happens in this world of instant gratification is that most people leave out massive parts of this formula.

Earl Nightingale states in “The Strangest Secret,” “People don’t think. You could ask 100 people what they want and, in a month, only one would be able to tell you.”

Success starts with thought. All big goals and problems to be solved start between the ears and start with a #mindset in line with what you want to create. If you leave out that part of the formula, you will be part of the 97%.

The goal or big problem to be solved creates the enthusiasm that creates the habits, the work ethic, the drive, the willingness to make the calls, the processes, the systems, the rituals, the lust for personal development that produce a high level of performance, the results, the harvest, the large net worth.

The lack of patience and planning also derails this process. The lack of enthusiasm creates procrastination. The 97% say things like “I’ve been meaning to do that but never got around to it.”

Napoleon Hill said “Patience, persistence, and perspiration make an unbeatable combination for success. Patience is not the ability to wait, it's the ability to keep a good attitude while waiting.”

So, once you understand this process, this formula and the necessity for all parts of it to work together and depend on the other, your view of your business and life will change for the positive. You trade worry for confidence, negativity for positive expectancy, and a low, stagnant energy for a positive, high performing energy.  I’ve seen people change literally in days.

This is not woo woo, this is strategy explained at its most basic level.  So basic that most people never learn it or just ignore it because it seems too basic.

As you know, the Kobe tragedy has dominated recent news.  I mentioned him in last week’s call and will end today with an excerpt from the tribute the Lakers held for him on Friday night.

They had a clip of him stating what he loved most about his career and he said:

“What I’ve learned is to always keep going. Do you love the process? Those boring, agonizing moments. If you love that, then you found something that is really true to you.  If you do the work, work hard, dreams come true. Those times that you get up early and work hard, those times that you stay up late and you work hard, those times when you don’t feel like working, you're too tired and you don’t want to push yourself but you do anyway, that is actually the dream.”

So, Fall in Love with the process:

  • Thoughts create feelings.
  • Feelings create the action.
  • Action creates the desired result.

This is how you turn a tiny seed into a bumper crop.