The Relationship Begins When the Transaction Ends

As we look at three of the main areas - or ‘engines’ - of Take Flight, you’ve got to master the following three first if you are going to be effective out of the gate.

  1. Vision and Goals
  2. Productivity and Time Management
  3. Relationship and Database Management

Let’s go through some ideas on how you can master your Relationship and Database Management going into the new year.

First, I highly suggest you invest in a database to help you track your Top 100.  The best database is the database that you are going to use.

Some of my most effective agents use a simple spread sheet or google doc. Personally, I am a big fan of CLOZE and I’ll continue to share information about that.

You need to look at your Top 100 like a tray of batteries. Your job is to keep them charged. The more batteries that you have charged, the more powerful your business will be over the long term. Joe Stumpf, with BY Referral Only, taught me very early on that your database will provide you a 20% return over the course of a year if you manage it properly and stay in touch. That means for every 10 people in your database, you should get 2 referrals. At 100, that’s 20. I saw those types of returns consistently when I was selling full time.

It takes a relationship mindset over a transactional mindset.

Taking care of clients over the long haul takes some time, effort, and creativity… but it is so worth it. You will reach the point of critical mass where your database will literally drive your business with new clients.

Big words like hospitality, authenticity, and consistency will be everyday words in your vocabulary.

My challenge to you is this:

If you have not fully committed to building this type of business, now is the time.  You’ve got fewer than 30 business days until the beginning of the next year and decade to get your plans in place.

Here are some ideas on how you can effectively manage your Top 100. Ideas that are not only effective, but quite cost effective.

Monthly Marketing Plan and Strategy
  • Birthday Recognition program: The best ROI on anything I got on any effort was sending out a handwritten card and $5 gift card to Starbucks. That number may be $10 now.
  • Anniversary Recognition: Recognize the annual anniversary purchase of their new home.
  • Book reservations at restaurants
  • Thanksgiving and Holiday gifting
  • New Year’s text messages or emails
  • Tax status reporting
  • End of Year CMA to update their financial statements
  • Support a boutique or small business and host an event. Most businesses will be happy to be introduced to new clients. They will in turn refer you to their clients. Win/Win.
  • Cooking Classes with a small group of clients, up to 8 people.
  • Invite Clients to Broker Open Houses of spectacular listings in their neighborhood.
  • Family Picture Events
  • If you get invited to a party with kids, make a trip to Target and arrive with a few toys. It’s out-of-the-box thoughtful and if the kids are entertained, everyone is happy.
  • Bring a bottle of Magnum wine to dinner parties with super important clients.
Communication Methods
  • Don’t underestimate the power of the Handwritten Note: Hand-address envelopes and send them off with good mojo. People open their mail by the trash.  Make sure your note gets proper attention by “being in the right pile.”
  • 98% of people read their text messages…  5 times more than email.  90% of text messages are read within 3 minutes.
  • Instant messages/direct messages can be a great way to connect with younger generations, but I will tell you, my 80-year old mother sends me a Facebook direct message if I miss my Monday call with my parents.
  • Don’t forget email marketing.  You should take full advantage of Rezora and other platforms to market to not just your Top 100 but to all of your Fringe clients as well.
  • Last, but not least, you must use Social Media - especially Instagram and Facebook - to engage your clients. Those platforms are like a Cocktail party, one that your competition is most likely attending. You need to be there interacting with your friends, family and past clients.  Use social media for intelligence purposes.
Gift with Intention
  • Create a Client “friends” list so you can “strategically gift.”
  • Weddings
  • Engagements
  • Births of babies
  • Don’t forget the pets and children
  • Send notes of condolence when there is a death in the family

It’s time to "Create Your Monthly Marketing Plan for 2020.”  I’ll spend an hour on this topic at the upcoming “Take Flight Mastery.”

Can you sense my enthusiasm?! This concept is such a no brainer. Commit to it. Spend the next month scheduling out your initiatives for the coming year and enter 2020 with strong focus.