Start Managing Yourself

We’re starting to get into the swing of planning for 2020. In the first of my “Championships are Won in the 4th Quarter” presentations, I’ve laid out a plan that I know to be highly effective in building many agents’ production. I start by reintroducing the group to the basics of “Take Flight” during the initial presentation. It’s evident there that the “how” has been created… you don’t really need to think about “next steps” because the process is laid out step-by-step.

  1. (Engine 1) Set Your Goals (up to 3) - pen them in your Flight Manual, add pictures and phrases to train your brain, and document the “To Do’s” needed to hit that goal in 2020.
  2. (Engine 2) Commit to a productive lifestyle that will support your goals.
  3. (Engine 3) Evaluate your “3 Rocks of Marketing” and make needed changes to your lead generation strategy.
  4. (Engine 4) Commit to providing the best possible experience for your clients so you can leverage 1-2 introductions through each transaction.
  5. (Engine 5) Last but not least, clean up your database and make sure your Top 100 is intact.

From there, based on your experience level, time in the business, and strength of your database, you’ll know what area of your business you need to focus on.

If you are newer to the business, you should spend most of your time focused on lead generation.

If you have a mature business, you need to make sure that your database of clients has been reconnected with and well-maintained.

I recently introduced the “2020 Customer Service Plan.” No matter what level of experience you have, it is absolutely imperative that you execute that plan to maintain growth in your business.

The key word is EXECUTE.

This is where most agents fail. They get excited. They understand the plan and find it easy - on the surface - to do. But for those who see major peaks and valleys in their business, the consistency of execution is always the issue.

How do you combat this?  The key is to step back - almost like you are looking in the mirror – and to “pronounce yourself the boss.”

Simply put, you need to let the “boss” in you set weekly goals and hold the “employee” side of you accountable.

In my “Track It to Achieve It” Pep Talk, I talked about the successful salesperson in the financial industry that committed to making 100 contacts of clients each week. He’d track himself by moving a paperclip from one glass to another until he had moved over 100 paperclips.  He would not wrap the week up until those 100 paperclips had been moved. That is a perfect example of creating a trigger to build momentum. Once a process like that works and you see the financial impact to your business, you find yourself obsessed with accountability and DOING. This is the level you want to reach with your execution.

The “2020 Customer Service Plan” was created to help you build that type of momentum as a tracking device.

To win, you’ve got to find that groove. You’ve got to find that rhythm. That boss in you needs to hold the employee in you accountable until you find it.

Your start to success begins by managing yourself.