Summer Success Tip: Clear the Clutter

When we think of clutter, we automatically think of the clutter in our homes and maybe our office spaces.  In actuality, clutter is a lot more than that.

Let’s start thinking through this, though, with the clutter you have at home.

In a July 31 article that she wrote for The Spruce, Rodicka Tchi describes clutter this way:

"Clutter is low, stagnant, and confusing energy that constantly drains energy from you. Depending on the area of your home where your clutter is located, it can also negatively influence, or even completely block, the flow of energy and events in many areas of your life."

"The reason most people avoid clearing the clutter is because it takes effort and it can be time-consuming. The real reason is the fact that clutter clearing is a very emotional process that feels like therapy, so yes, it takes emotional stamina to go through it."

"Once you clear most of your clutter with feng shui and have a clear system to avoid its accumulation in the future, you will start experiencing high energy levels, more clarity, and a heightened sense of well-being.”

Click here to read the full article.

Does your closet need to be thinned out? How about under the bed? Your hall closet? Your kitchen? Your dining room table? Do you need to seriously consider a move just so you are forced to get rid of stuff?

How about your office? Are your files neatly organized in the cloud in an application like Google Docs or Dropbox? Can you find everything you need within 2 to 3 minutes max?

Clutter is not just impacting your environment at home or the office - it impacts your finances, relationships, your mindset, and your daily schedule.

How’s your tax prep going? Is it organized throughout the year or do you have to cram a few days before your accountant needs it?

When was the last time you went through your credit card statement and cancelled all of the subscriptions that you don’t use? Or do you say “Whatever, I need the tax deduction.”

When was the last time you audited your voicemail greeting? DO you have one? If so, is it current?

Do your online profiles need to be updated? When was the last time you rewrote your bio or had new photographs taken?

Do your social profiles and your friends/followers need to be scrubbed and pruned?

Are there apps on your phone that you need to delete? Does your home screen need to be organized?

Are you on any email list subscriptions that you need to unsubscribe from?

In your personal relationships, does your friend group need to be pruned? Do you have negative influences in your life that are acting more as anchors and not sails? As a rule, you are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with consistently.

Do you have ideas that you haven’t acted on or have laid dormant because of fear of failure?

As your coach, my job is to challenge you to #levelup in all areas of your life. I’m challenging myself and I plan to do a full audit of these areas of my life next week.

I’ve always said that you can almost always predict the sophistication of a broker’s business just by looking at their environment.

I’m bringing this topic up now because we are heading into two of the four weeks of the year that I call a “no fly zone” for prospecting and follow up.  The last two weeks of August and the last two weeks of December are when your clients will not be overly receptive to “touches.” They are focused on enjoying the final stages of “summer,” getting kids back in school, or they are on vacation and you need to respect that.

So, when you're not wrapping up closings or running your business, let me suggest that you take a quick look at your current reality as it relates to clutter and create a to-do list that you can execute over the next 45 to 60 days. Prepare yourself for the 2020 business planning season that starts right around October 1st.

I have always been a pseudo minimalist by default, but I know that the less you have to worry about, the more focus you can and do put on your strength. If you stay focused on your strengths, you’ll see more consistent success in your life and business.

I am confident – and studies prove – that clutter in your environment, in your finances, in your relationships, and in your schedule suppresses your energy and creates friction that slows down or stops your momentum.

Now is the perfect time to address this topic. I know I’m looking forward to tackling some of my areas of weakness over the next couple of weeks. Join me. And remember, the energy level that drives your success is at stake.