Summer Success Tip: Use Success Modeling to Increase Your Performance

I have used a self development process called Success Modeling since February 2008. Actually, I’ve been using it my entire life but it wasn’t until 2008 that used the concept with intention.

“Success Modeling” is a little bit different than the over-reaching “Self Development” term. Success Modeling is defined as modeling someone who has already done what it is that you want to do. I use “Success Modeling” specifically to impact a certain area of my life or business that I feel needs my attention at that time. I’ve used success modeling to improve my time management, learn how to meditate, improve my diet, design my business from top to bottom, and develop programs that I’ve taught. I know that if there is something that I want to create, a goal I want to achieve, a place I want to travel, or a dinner I want to cook, someone has already done it and has done it at a really high level. The key to Success Modeling is that you're not re-inventing the wheel. Once you know what it is that you want to achieve, the magic comes when you research how to create it, when you try, when you fail, and - ultimately - when you keep at it until you succeed and learn from your experiences.  It's then that you add it to your “tool box” of experience and accomplishment.

This happens in every aspect of your life.  Your grandmothers, grandfathers, mothers and fathers have been passing down their wisdom to your family for generations.  Experience comes from listening without ego to others that do what you want to do and implementing their best practices into your life.

I was at the Gold Coast office around the holidays and visited Eataly with my lunch time. I sat at the chef’s counter and watched the culinary team make their simple pasta dishes.  Knowing that my daughters love (and I mean *love*) pasta, I started asking questions. Before I knew it, I was walking out of Eataly with a 5-ingredient (olive oil, garlic, basil, tomato puree) simple pasta recipe that is now a mainstay at our house.  I asked the questions, got the advice, and simply modeled the chef’s recipe and implemented it. Voila!

The ability to model the masters is endless. You can teach yourself anything. The only issue always is and always will be #mindset.

Do you want to put in the effort to get better?

I can promise you one thing.  Your results will not change unless you change yourself.  It’s the Law of Cause and Effect: if you do something, there will be a result.  If you don’t do anything, not only will you not improve, you will fall behind the natural progression of society and actually become worse relative to those who do try.

So, step #1 is starting a list of the areas that you know need your time and effort. You know down deep in your DNA what you need to work on, so be point blank honest with yourself. Write the issues down and rank them the following way:

  • On a scale of 1 to 10,  what type of impact will this idea/concept/process have on my life and business.  10 = high impact, 1 = low impact
  • On a scale of 1 to 10,  how easy is this idea/concept/process to implement?  10 = easy to implement, 1 = hard to implement
  • On a scale of 1 to 10,  how expensive is this idea/concept/process to implement?  10 = no cost, 1 = super expensive

Add up your rankings for each item and then prioritize your list by addressing the highest-rated items first and leaving the lower-rated items on the list until the others are complete. You may never get to the entire list. The goal is to prioritize your time working on high impact, easy to implement, low cost initiatives.

It's really that easy. But you have to take time to THINK, Document, Commit and Act, Tweak, Adjust! Once you see the results, you’ll be addicted to Success Modeling.

Recently, a mother of 4 built a house from scratch in only 9 months by using YouTube and Google.  Check out the video here. The point here is that if someone can build a whole home using YouTube and Google, YOU can build a business and improve your life using these same tools and your own resourcefulness. I started my own journey by typing “SOI real estate” into Google... the rest is history.

Stay tuned to my social channels for some little insights on areas where I have increased my knowledge using Success Modeling. In Take Flight Mastery, I’ll show you exactly how to rank your ideas and provide you with a form to help with the process.